Search Result for “aircraft”

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Singapore has head in the clouds

Oped, Umesh Pandey, Published on 11/02/2018

» If anyone asks me to name a country in this region that stands out for its futuristic thinking and ability to achieve its goals, then the only country that comes to my mind is Singapore. The island state that has been independent for just over five decades has achieved success that has surpassed the expectations of many historians and possibly even the founding fathers of the nation. From being a small island in the Malaysian Peninsula that relied heavily on the mainland, to being self-dependent and overtaking its neighbours in every way possible, today Singapore stands as the epitome of what will and determination can do for a nation.



Airship loss produces much hot air

News, Umesh Pandey, Published on 17/09/2017

» "Personally, I would agree if there is a call for a malfeasance probe. This would ward off criticism which emerged without proper information," Interior Minister Anupong Paojinda was reported to have said on Friday when the issue of the waste of 340 million baht on an airship was raised by the media.



Submarine deal has no mandate

News, Umesh Pandey, Published on 30/04/2017

» Over the next 24 hours we all are going to hear the Royal Thai Navy come clean with its procurement procedure for the secretly negotiated deal to procure three submarines -- and I for one am not holding my breath to hear anything earth-shattering.



Airline saga stirs social media power

News, Umesh Pandey, Published on 16/04/2017

» The world is talking about how a paying passenger of Asian origin was mistreated on his flight from Chicago because an airline needed to clear up space for four of its crew members.



Bribery row can let graft fight take off

Oped, Umesh Pandey, Published on 20/01/2017

» The latest corruption scandal involving the procurement of aircraft engines by Thai Airways International Plc (THAI) comes as no surprise to many of us who have been watching how the national carrier has operated over the years.


China should heed The Hague

Asia focus, Umesh Pandey, Published on 11/07/2016

» While most of the world continues to obsess over every twist and turn in the Brexit saga and its impact on global markets, a major development tomorrow could have implications that hit closer to home.



We need a far better airport experience

News, Umesh Pandey, Published on 13/05/2016

» As a frequent traveller, I usually end up arriving at the airport at least three hours before a flight, be it domestic or international.



Will THAI's fortunes take off or falter?

News, Umesh Pandey, Published on 27/11/2015

» The past week has seen a lot of talk about how bad our national carrier Thai Airways International (THAI) has become over the past few years. Not many people realise that THAI's problems are not unique -- the global airline industry is facing the same challenges.



Excesses will catch up with the regime

News, Umesh Pandey, Published on 06/11/2015

» The Isra online news agency this week reported the government had at the end of June this year placed an order for four bulletproof Mercedes-Maybach S600 Guard sedans costing 78 million baht, for government use in its official duties.