Search Result for “aircraft”

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A magical weekend at Yasgur's Farm

Roger Crutchley, Published on 18/08/2024

» Every year there are anniversaries marking significant events from the past and they always serve as uncomfortable reminders that I am getting a bit old. A classic example is this weekend with the 55th anniversary of the Woodstock Festival. Now that's scary. Surely it couldn't have been that long ago?



Sleeping on the job at 36,000 feet

Roger Crutchley, Published on 24/03/2024

» There was a rather bizarre story which emerged recently of an Indonesian domestic flight on which for half an hour both pilots were fast asleep at the same time.



Those elusive influential persons

Roger Crutchley, Published on 29/10/2023

» Most intriguing news of the week is that according to a parliamentary House committee there are only 180 "influential people" in the kingdom and in 10 provinces there are none at all. For those unfamiliar with the term "influential person" in Thailand, it is usually interpreted as someone who is powerful enough not to worry about the "long arm of the law" and can go about their sometimes shady business without fear of arrest.



When drones were bores and bees

Roger Crutchley, Published on 30/07/2023

» When I was a child the word "drone" was used either as a reference to a lazy male bee or a monotonous dull sound, epitomised by people like teachers, preachers or prime ministers "droning on" in boring fashion.


Tuning in to the opening day of May

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 01/05/2022

» Well, here we are in the first 24 hours of the magical month of May. According to the dictionary, May Day is the time for "a celebration of the coming of Spring". Unfortunately, we don't experience Spring in Thailand and are still perspiring our way through the hot season, hoping Jupiter Pluvius might oblige with an occasional refreshing shower.



Come on baby, let's do the Twist

Oped, Roger Crutchley, Published on 10/04/2022

» The other day I heard on the radio Chubby Checker bursting forth with his 1960 hit 'The Twist'. It's not the greatest of songs but it sparked fond memories because it launched a dance craze which proved a social life-saver for me and many other shy teenagers.


As long as it's a bit better than last year

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 02/01/2022

» It's that time of the year for columnists to suggest what could be in store for the next 12 months. However, things are so unpredictable at the moment even Nostradamus would struggle to come up with a half-decent forecast. Of course Thailand is not immune to the uncertainty although you wouldn't rule out occasional "misappropriation of funds" or to use the correct technical term, "cooking the books."



Between you, me and the lamp post

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 27/06/2021

» Over the years we've had allegations of malfeasance concerning the whole spectrum of life in Thailand. Among the more unlikely cases have been claims of dubious goings on concerning purchases of such items as school pianos, parliament clocks, cows and even kindergarten toys.


It could be fun, in a strange sort of way

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 10/01/2021

» A number of readers -- well, three -- have asked why last week's column did not contain the usual predictions for the coming year. My feeling at the time was that with the dark cloud of Covid-19 hovering over us it seemed a bit inappropriate to carry the usual frivolous PostScript predictions. However, I have had a change of heart and considering we are only 10 days into the New Year it is not too late to make silly forecasts.


No dodgy dealings today, thank you

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 06/09/2020

» Thailand marks its annual National Anti-Corruption Day today, which might possibly prompt a few wry smiles in certain quarters. Still, for 24 hours at least, we can be assured no one will be on the fiddle, or at least seen to be on the fiddle. No shady deals or siphoning of funds. No oiling of the wheels. It is indeed a time to rejoice.