Search Result for “aged society”

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Shield children from online abuse

News, Published on 23/09/2024

» Across Southeast Asia -- from Manila to Bangkok to Phnom Penh -- police are struggling to keep children safe from sexual exploitation and abuse, in particular online. Every day, millions of images and videos of children are shared on the internet, while authorities are increasingly at a loss for what to do.



Bangladesh's youth uprising has Arab Spring echoes

News, Published on 27/07/2024

» In recent weeks, the Bangladeshi government has cracked down violently on students demanding equitable access to coveted government jobs amid an unemployment crisis. To contain the protests, authorities have shut down all educational institutions, imposed a strict curfew, and cut off internet access. Thousands of police officers and paramilitaries have been patrolling the streets, and more than 170 people have died.



Getting employed after retirement

Oped, Published on 25/07/2024

» The question of what to do after retirement and employment becomes increasingly pertinent in countries around the world including Malaysia which is making its transition into an ageing society, with an extended average lifespan of 74.8 years, according to 2023 data from the Department of Statistics.



Early education helps shape future

News, Published on 15/07/2024

» During the first five years of a child's life, the brain increases 300% in size but more importantly, the neural connections which allow the brain to function increase even more. During the crucial first three years, synaptic linkages surge from zero to 1,000 trillion, far more than at any other time in life. One can therefore make the case that supporting early brain development is one of the most critical investments a society can make. In fact, Nobel Laureate James Heckman found that there is a positive 13% return on investment for early childhood education programmes.



No more child labour

Oped, Editorial, Published on 12/06/2024

» Today is "World Day Against Child Labour", reminding Thailand once again of the need to intensify efforts to eradicate the horrors of this scourge.



Rise of the killer 'toys'

Oped, Editorial, Published on 31/05/2024

» As we celebrate World No Tobacco Day today, society, especially parents, are facing a new challenge -- the rise of young smokers and deceptively packaged but harmful tobacco products like "toy pods", the fifth generation of e-cigarettes designed to be both collectable and appealing to youngsters.


Health system faces new pressure

News, Published on 29/04/2024

» There is much to celebrate, but there will be many new challenges in Thailand's health care system.



Seniors not a burden

Oped, Editorial, Published on 23/04/2024

» The Ministry of Social Development and Human Security's host family programme deserves a big round of applause, as it is an example of a proactive social welfare policy. The only problem with it is that the budget earmarked for the programme, at just 39.8 million baht annually, is far too small.



Thai families no longer fit a mould

Editorial, Published on 14/04/2024

» Today is Family Day in Thailand, and it is appropriate that it is marked at a time when people are already taking time off work to return home and reunite with loved ones to celebrate Songkran together.



Protect migrant kids

Oped, Editorial, Published on 30/03/2024

» A temple raid in Lop Buri has sparked concern over forced deportations after a group of 19 stateless children enrolled in a monkhood ordination programme were ejected from their class and transferred to the border province of Chiang Rai.