Search Result for “World Press Freedom Day”

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Please do not shoot the messengers

News, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 26/11/2019

» At the 40th Unesco General Conference in Paris last week, a plethora of issues affecting global well-being were discussed. These days big and small members dutifully raise their voices, remarkably demonstrating their national preferences in an uncertain world. One could easily notice that voices from big funders, except Japan, are louder than ever before. As usual, some smaller countries from the Caribbean, the Pacific Islands and Africa were absent from the week-long meetings due to their lack of funds. However, a few surrogate delegates for the members from the Caribbean region, such as St Lucia, Grenadine and others, managed to pitch their views, wanting to make their presence felt -- sometimes causing confusion and prolonged debate.



Hun Sen's legacy hinges on his 'borami'

News, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 03/04/2018

» The Khmer phrase <i>mian borami</i> is common these days in one of the most vibrant capitals in Asean. Ask Cambodians at random in the Central Market or Monivong Boulevard (or, if you fancy, Mao Zedong or Lenin Boulevard) their feelings about Samdech Decho Hun Sen, and chances are they will answer, "Hun Sen has supernatural powers and strength". In Cambodian culture, someone with borami -- or charisma -- has earned respect, recognition and authority from years of work for their neighbourhood and service to the community. They are perceived as extraordinary individuals who have supernatural powers to change things. That is how Cambodians think of Hun Sen. At least for now.



Myanmar's media development has stalled

News, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 12/12/2017

» The atmosphere surrounding the development of liberal media in Myanmar, which began in earnest and has been carefully nurtured since 2012, is in a serious state of amnesia. This sentiment is widely felt and shared throughout the media community in the country.