Search Result for “Thailand freedom of expression”

Showing 31 - 40 of 66



Old habits in new cyber bill

News, Editorial, Published on 02/03/2019

» The military-appointed National Legislative Assembly (NLA) has done a disservice to the people by passing the cybersecurity bill on Thursday, despite concerns over its threats to personal and corporate data privacy.



Cyber bill has too much bite

News, Editorial, Published on 18/10/2018

» This year, the world has been looking out for evolving and more sophisticated cyber attacks, such as ransomware in the cloud and the weaponisation of artificial intelligence.



T-shirt saga a witch hunt

News, Editorial, Published on 15/09/2018

» In what seems to be nothing other than a witch hunt against a small group of people who hold a political ideology seen as unorthodox in Thailand, the military junta has set a bad precedent and made an unjust move in slapping severe criminal charges against four people, who are alleged to have promoted the political concept through the distribution of T-shirts.



Police stifle free speech

News, Editorial, Published on 13/09/2018

» It has happened again. the Thai police have forced the cancellation of a public forum by citing concerns over security, which is a broad and dubious term.



Only a total ban lift will do

News, Editorial, Published on 30/08/2018

» After having imposed its political ban for more than four years, the continued reluctance of the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) to restore full political rights and freedom of expression to the Thai people and political parties has raised grave concerns about a hidden agenda.



Playing games with democracy

News, Editorial, Published on 24/06/2018

» Today in 1932, Thailand experienced a drastic transformation when a group of young soldiers and civilians known as the People's Party -- or Khana Ratsadorn -- staged the "Siamese Revolution" with an aspiration to introduce democracy to the country.



Decriminalise defamation

News, Editorial, Published on 08/06/2018

» Following the Appeal Court's ruling last week quashing defamation charges against British human rights defender Andy Hall, activists who hailed this as a legal victory have made another call for the government to repeal the criminal defamation law.



Beware the cyber warriors

News, Editorial, Published on 17/05/2018

» Recently, our authorities have admitted that Thailand needs to improve cyber security standards against hackers. Yet the government over the past four years has mainly hunted down other groups of "violators" -- political dissidents and lese majeste offenders.



Time for a free media

Oped, Editorial, Published on 07/05/2018

» Not long ago, Thailand was praised around the world for the freedom and independence of its media. It never was perfect, but in the days that the nation was truly aspiring to be a democracy, newspapers and broadcasters spoke truth to power. Foreign journalists set up regional headquarters in Thailand because it was so much more tolerant of a free press than any neighbour. Last week came yet another of the constant reminders that Thai press freedom has halted, if only temporarily.



Disgraceful detentions

News, Editorial, Published on 03/05/2018

» The latest temporary detention of land rights activists in Chiang Mai and Lamphun by security authorities is disgraceful.