Search Result for “Thailand constitution”

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Outrage over old-age allowance cut

Oped, Sanitsuda Ekachai, Published on 23/08/2023

» This year's viral video clip on Thai Mothers' Day wasn't about motherly love. It featured a furious mother's outburst, which, surprisingly, gained overwhelming support from viewers across the country.



Temple graft shows need for reform

News, Sanitsuda Ekachai, Published on 11/04/2022

» The country's latest temple corruption scandal occurred at a first-class royal monastery; the centre of a sect founded by reformist monarch King Mongkut to clean up the clergy. What an irony!



Violence hampers Unesco park quest

Oped, Sanitsuda Ekachai, Published on 17/06/2021

» Thailand's effort to turn the Kaeng Krachan Forest Complex into a Unesco World Heritage Site has been made in vain for the past six years. Will it have succeeded by the time the annual World Heritage Convention convenes in July?



Locals resist environmental dictatorship

Oped, Sanitsuda Ekachai, Published on 03/09/2020

» Drenched with a heavy downpour on Tuesday night while picketing in front of Government House, Anong Kuson looked up at the ferocious sky, her face wet with tears mixed with merciless rain.



Demolition, lies, nepotism and impunity

Oped, Sanitsuda Ekachai, Published on 01/07/2020

» Seriously? The national park authorities in Phrae province outraged the whole nation by razing a historical heritage house to the ground, and are we still going to let them get away scot-free?



Govt gets Fs for protecting women

News, Sanitsuda Ekachai, Published on 09/03/2020

» If you fail but still keep trying to reach your goal, that is noble. But if you keep telling the world you are trying to do good but are the actual perpetrator, then you are not just a hypocrite. When it involves violence and death, you are a criminal.



Historic ruling offers pro-choice hope

News, Sanitsuda Ekachai, Published on 21/02/2020

» This is historic. This is final. Abortion is no longer illegal in Thailand. Women and girls now can end pregnancies without risking arrest, imprisonment, and even death, thanks to the Constitutional Court's ruling on Wednesday.



What next after the passing of iconic Ko-ee?

News, Sanitsuda Ekachai, Published on 08/10/2018

» At 107, ethnic Karen elder Ko-ee Mimee had only one wish -- to return to his ancestral land deep in the Kaeng Krachan jungle and die there. On Friday, the icon of indigenous forest dwellers' struggles against state violence and injustice passed, his last wish unfulfilled and the future of his people hanging in the balance.



Buddha's path must guide reform of clergy

News, Sanitsuda Ekachai, Published on 07/06/2018

» The recent crackdown on the Sangha Supreme Council elders is long overdue. Corrupt monks in high places have escaped the law for far too long. But abuse of power will not go away as long as the clergy remains a closed, feudal autocracy under state patronage.



As poor are evicted, the rich get an island

Sanitsuda Ekachai, Published on 02/08/2017

» What do you get from fighting for land rights in Thailand? You cannot ask Den Khamlae, 65, a prominent grassroots land rights activist. He mysteriously disappeared in a forest reserve near his rickety home in Chaiyaphum last year.