Search Result for “Thai Union”

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Myanmar faces increasing uncertainty

Oped, Larry Jagan, Published on 01/02/2024

» Today marks the third anniversary of the military coup led by Senior General Min Aung Hlaing that ousted the democratically elected government of Aung San Suu Kyi. Over the last three years the Tatmadaw -- as the armed forces are known, has plummeted the country into ever-increasing violence and despair.



Ethnic armies fight for a federal future

Oped, Larry Jagan, Published on 07/04/2021

» Myanmar's ethnic armies have effectively declared war on the country's military government, increasing the prospect of civil war. In the face of the army's continued violence against civilian protesters -- the death toll is now more than 600 in the last nine weeks -- many of the country's ethnic leaders felt impelled to take drastic action.



Free fall

Asia focus, Larry Jagan, Published on 22/03/2021

» Yangon is burning: Plumes of smoke rose into the skyline in the north of the city every day last week. Large parts of Myanmar's biggest city and main commercial centre resembled a battle zone after the military junta imposed martial law in several neighbourhoods.



The Panglong peace process is precariously poised

News, Larry Jagan, Published on 28/10/2019

» Myanmar's stalled peace process is precariously poised, and may now be in danger of falling apart all together, as mistrust and hostility between some of the ethnic groups and the military worsened significantly. The fragile relationships between the three key players deteriorated further on the eve of the anniversary of the signing of a key peace pact, and the hopes of kick-starting negotiations and bringing the groups back to the table took a tumble for the worst.



Myanmar looks East

Asia focus, Larry Jagan, Published on 05/11/2018

» The government of Myanmar has launched a major investment drive centred on Asian countries in the face of declining interest from the West.



Painful correction

Asia focus, Larry Jagan, Published on 08/10/2018

» Myanmar's currency crisis seems to have eased in recent days as a result of government actions, and to the relief of some market observers who feared an Argentina-style meltdown was in the making.



Myanmar launches diplomatic offensive

News, Larry Jagan, Published on 11/12/2017

» Myanmar has launched a diplomatic offensive as international criticism mounts over their treatment of the Muslim Rohingya. It is a three-pronged assault, aimed at the UN, combatting calls for renewed sanctions and an effort to engage the international community in plans for the reconstruction and reconciliation of Rakhine.



Suu Kyi should heed Pope's suggestion on UN role

News, Larry Jagan, Published on 04/12/2017

» Pope Francis' visit to Myanmar last week was an overwhelming success and may provide the much needed spark to ignite the government's peace process and its efforts to bring reconciliation to the country's violence-torn western region of Rakhine. The Pope's message was loud and clear: the only way forward for Myanmar was "love and peace", the title used for his visit.



Myanmar renews SEZ push

Asia focus, Larry Jagan, Published on 02/10/2017

» Myanmar's special economic zones (SEZs) are a central part of a revitalised economic strategy in which increased manufacturing activity will play a key role. And breathing renewed life and energy into stagnant or stalled SEZs has moved to the top of the government's agenda.



Suu Kyi gives peace a chance

Spectrum, Larry Jagan, Published on 28/08/2016

» After months of preparation and a plethora of planning meetings, Aung San Suu Kyi has pulled off a significant coup with Myanmar's peace conference.