Search Result for “Puerto Rico”

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Key 2024 poll in California affects India

Oped, Published on 03/01/2024

» On Jan 28, people in my home state of California will finally get to cast ballots in a historic vote on whether to create a new independent country.



Climate change is killing our summer

News, Published on 31/07/2023

» Most of us have an idea of summer in our heads. It generally involves beaches. Americans head to their coasts -- avoiding only fog-shrouded San Francisco -- and Europeans to the Mediterranean or Aegean. We all strip down to near nakedness and sit around in the sun, occasionally frolicking in the ocean waves. We aim to return home tanned and toned. If you come from another planet and don't know what I am talking about, watch the Barbie trailer.



Consultancy 'warp' drive deepens crisis of capitalism

News, Published on 13/03/2023

» In recent years, McKinsey & Company has become a household name -- but for all the wrong reasons. One of the "Big Three" consulting firms, its work for major corporations and governments has increasingly become a source of scandal and intrigue around the world.



Myanmar's crises: A recipe for disaster

Oped, Published on 23/06/2022

» 'The military exploits [natural resources] as they like, and we do what we like," says Myint, who lives in Khamti township in north-western Sagaing region -- one of the sites with the most clashes between the Myanmar military and resistance forces. "Everyone knows that one day there'll be no more resources and this will harm the environment. But in these difficulties, to find daily income we have no choice."


Taiwan is still in China's web of war games

Oped, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 27/01/2021

» Most news agencies reported on Sunday that China sent large groups of fighters and bombers into the Taiwanese airspace two days in a row. Much fluttering in the dovecote: the Chinese are testing the resolve of newly installed US President Joe Biden.



Puerto Rican hurricane sparks studies in the forest

News, Published on 11/08/2018

» When I visited El Yunque National Forest in Puerto Rico, six months after Hurricane Maria, the roadside debris still hadn't been removed. Power to many rural areas hadn't been restored. Many people had left the island to escape these conditions, and a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine estimates that several thousand people may have died because of the storm.


Fighting tax dodgers can kill growth

News, Leonid Bershidsky, Published on 26/07/2018

» It's easy to be outraged about multinational corporations' shifting of profits to tax havens, but much harder to figure out how to stop them from doing it without hurting the economy. Evidence exists that curbing tax avoidance opportunities makes these firms move actual jobs, not just accounting profits, overseas.


PM trumped by president's sales pitch

News, Kong Rithdee, Published on 07/10/2017

» A match made in heaven, or in Purgatory, or at least in the White House. Two men known for belligerent rhetoric and rambling speech sat side by side, one elected, one a pretender, both famous for throwing tantrums, their respective wives kept out of the frame (of course). It was a press conference at the White House between President Donald Trump and Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha on the occasion of the latter's trip of a lifetime.



Trump not all wrong on hurricane-hit Puerto Rico

News, Peter Van Buren, Published on 06/10/2017

» It seems there's a template that critics follow for Donald Trump versus the hurricanes: They say he won't do enough, that it isn't being done fast enough, that everything will collapse (ready Katrina headlines) and then the draining, heroic reality of the response takes hold. With post-Maria Puerto Rico the latest example of that trope, it's time for a better understanding of how disaster management works.



Zika vaccine race spurred by huge profit potential

News, Bill Berkrot, Published on 06/10/2016

» The race to find protection against the Zika virus is fuelled by something often missing from tropical disease research: the potential for big profit.