Search Result for “Pakamas Thinphanga”

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We need climate adaptation now

Oped, Published on 05/04/2024

» The announcement made by the Thai Meteorological Department (TMD) is a grim warning of record-high temperatures. The entire nation is bracing for scorching hot weather this month, with forecasters saying temperatures look set to reach 44.5 degrees Celsius in some parts of the country. For example, the mercury level in the Thoen district of the northern Lampang province reached 42C on Monday and yesterday, the hottest temperatures for this year’s summer so far. Meanwhile, the TMD reported the temperature of Muang district was not far behind at 41.8C.



Rethinking our cities' link to water

News, Published on 21/12/2023

» Water holds special symbolic significance in Thai culture, from Loy Krathong to Songkran festivals. But as much as we respect the value of water, we must also recognise that failure to care for our water resources puts our lives and wellbeing at risk.



Tackling Thailand's water problems

Oped, Published on 05/08/2023

» Thailand has experienced an unusually prolonged period of water crises over recent years. The dry seasons are becoming longer and drier, while the rainy seasons are shorter but with more intense rainfall. This oscillating pattern of droughts and floods has become harder to predict and is causing more serious impacts.



Social equity vital to climate cause

News, Published on 05/06/2023

» Over the past few months, Thailand has experienced a new record high temperature. The unprecedented extreme heat has never been felt before.


Smart cities listen to their citizens

Oped, Published on 28/04/2023

» Thailand has embraced the agenda of smart cities, with promises of hope for better urban futures. It is not always clear what is meant by a "smart city" but the agenda in Thailand is presented as being founded on seven core pillars -- Environment, Economy, Mobility, Governance, Living, People and Energy, with promises to improve people's quality of life, reduce inequality, and create prosperity, security, and sustainability.



The need for locally-led climate actions

News, Published on 09/05/2022

» The latest report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) describes how climate change is already causing widespread disruption, affecting natural and human systems across the globe. The effects of global temperature warming up above 1.5°C through intensified extreme weather events are unavoidable and irreversible. A strong message of the IPCC report is to act now.