Search Result for “Oscars.”

Showing 1 - 10 of 16



Audience of one is better than none

Roger Crutchley, Published on 13/08/2023

» There was a story from the Edinburgh Fringe Festival last week concerning English actress Georgie Grier whose one-woman show Sunsets attracted a grand audience of one. A tweet with pictures of a tearful Grier after the show prompted considerable sympathy and the following night she found herself performing to a near full-house which she joked felt the equivalent of "Wembley".


Going bananas over the 'Day-O' song

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 07/05/2023

» The recent death of the gifted Jamaican-American singer Harry Belafonte at the age of 96 inevitably sparked memories of when his biggest hit "Day-O (The Banana Boat Song)" swept the globe, including Britain.


It still remains an offer you can't refuse

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 31/07/2022

» Francis Ford Coppola's epic film The Godfather has been celebrating its 50th anniversary this year, a frightening thought as I can recall queuing up to see it at a Bangkok cinema all those years ago. It was 1972, in the days long before multiplex cinemas emerged in Bangkok, so when a big film came out there would be massive queues at the theatre showing the blockbuster.


It all began with Rhett and Scarlett

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 27/03/2022

» With the Oscars upon us this weekend it seems an apt time to recall choice lines from past films.



In defence of the Yank chimney-sweep

Oped, Roger Crutchley, Published on 20/03/2022

» A Londoner who lives in Bangkok has made a spirited defence of Dick Van Dyke's much-maligned cockney accent as a chimney-sweep in Mary Poppins, which was mentioned in last week's column.


Always look on the bright side of life

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 05/01/2020

» We have just scraped through the Year of the Porkers and are hurtling into the Year of the Rat, which admittedly doesn't sound too promising.



Sometimes you just have to walk away

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 03/03/2019

» The Hanoi summit may not have gone quite as smoothly as planned, but I'll leave that for the experts to dissect. One suspects the expression "sometimes you have to walk" will be widely featured in forthcoming panel discussions. Nonetheless, the summit did have its entertaining moments.



Any fool can criticise and several do

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 24/06/2018

» It is probably fair to say that whether it be in the realm of the theatre, cinema or literature, critics are not the most beloved people. British playwright John Osborne once observed: "Ask a working writer what he feels about critics is like asking a lamppost what it feels about dogs."



And the award goes to … not these films

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 04/03/2018

» It's Oscar time again and as usual Hollywood is ignoring exciting Thai productions. Here are a few that caught the eye:



Possibly time to look on the bright side

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 07/01/2018

» Having just about scraped through the Year of the Chicken, here we are seven days into 2018 and wondering what's in store during the Year of the Dog. It probably won't be all that great, but we'll leave the gloom and doom to the experts. Let's just hope it's a least a bit more enjoyable than the past couple of years which have really been quite awful, and almost of an annus horribilis nature.