Search Result for “Military policy”

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Why we need to care about Myanmar

Oped, Johanna Son, Published on 03/02/2024

» Myanmar is entering its fourth year since the Feb 1, 2021 military coup. Its multiple crises continue -- a mix of economic difficulties and a humanitarian catastrophe -- at a time when armed conflict, including anti-junta resistance, has now spread to most of its regions.



When the environment gets sidelined

Oped, Johanna Son, Published on 23/07/2022

» Myanmar's human, social and natural capital have been "rapidly diminishing" after the 2021 military coup, explains Win Myo Thu, a respected environmental campaigner who, for over three decades, has been working with local communities for better access to land, forest, water, food and a clean environment.



Decarbonisation, the SE Asian way

Oped, Johanna Son, Published on 29/09/2021

» Carbon neutrality is a shared planetary destination, but Southeast Asian countries are laying out their own road maps -- including what some may call detours of sorts -- to getting there in the next three to four decades.



When Asean just isn't Asean enough

News, Johanna Son, Published on 13/09/2018

» China's bullying may be the first of Asean's headaches to come to mind, but its weakest links are those that have been gnawing away at its insides -- and undermining its members' own "Asean-ness".



Looking for 'Asean way' in Rohingya crisis

News, Johanna Son, Published on 26/03/2018

» In Asean's search for a role in the maze that is the political and humanitarian disaster unfolding from Myanmar's Rakhine crisis, it is finding that some paths are closed off, a few remain passable despite barriers -- and others are clear but way too risky to head into.



After 50, Asean's greatest threat is itself, not China

News, Johanna Son, Published on 09/08/2017

» The toasts to the Association of Southeast Asian Nations' (Asean) 50th birthday will continue for the rest of 2017. But the clink of champagne glasses cannot hide the fact that any spark of excitement there might have been around Asean less than two years ago -- when the Asean Community was launched -- is fast fizzling out.



The Philippines' headache over China

News, Johanna Son, Published on 18/07/2017

» When history is written one day of how a country called the Philippines dealt with China, would it make for a legend about how it smartly navigated geopolitical waters to assert its territorial and economic rights -- or a case study in how to bend over backwards and cede these to its giant neighbour to the north?



Stuck between China and the US

News, Johanna Son, Published on 16/03/2017

» Southeast Asia is looking for a precarious balance between the United States and China in order to feel more secure in the region, worried as it is by the behaviour of these two giants in its orbit.



Rohingya plight now an Asean issue

News, Johanna Son, Published on 27/12/2016

» Was it a step forward or a flop? A real discussion or a public-relations stunt? Whatever the verdict is, the Dec 19 ''retreat'' of Asean foreign ministers in Myanmar on the touchy Rohingya issue was itself the message.



Myanmar's deep fissures make explosive powder keg

News, Johanna Son, Published on 24/05/2016

» A tenuous civilian-military dance. Simmering Burman Buddhist nationalism. An impatient populace that is struggling with rising prices and power cuts, amid record-high GDP growth. A popular but inexperienced political leadership inching toward what some call "liberal authoritarianism".