Search Result for “Leave The World Behind”

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Can you trust search engines?

Life, James Hein, Published on 14/08/2024

» So how do conspiracy theories start and how does the internet and major search engine players contribute to them? As I type this, depending on where you are in the world, if you type "assassination attempt" in your search engine, and in particular one associated with Alphabet, the autofill options will have everything except "Trump" in the result set. You can get Kennedy, Hitler, Putin and George Wallace, but not the most prominent one so far this year that was one of those "where were you when you heard" events that some people saw in real time on their TV. The reason Alphabet offered for not giving the result was something along the lines that their policy is not to show political violence. You can of course find a plethora of political violence videos and examples from their search results, just not for this particular instance. Another example if you type "President Donald", the autofill adds Duck and Reagan but not Trump. Or if you Google Donald Trump you get a bunch of Kamala Harris results.



Dr.Piya’s Triple-Advanced Technique Breast Augmentation

Published on 10/07/2024

» Create Well-Positioned & Fuller Breasts with Tiny Wounds & Less Pain



A-Lister's Surgical Body Reshaping Secrets

Published on 20/04/2024




The True Reasons Why Postpartum Celebrities Still Look Fantastic

Published on 30/03/2024




Made in Thailand

Guru, Published on 05/07/2019

» To say that Thailand has been getting global recognition lately may be a bit of an understatement. After all, it's not a secret that it's a famous tourist destination with plenty of beautiful beaches and street food that's been topping lists for years now. Of course, these are only just a few things Thailand is well-known for but we don't really have the time to get into all of that (*cough* rigged election *cough*). However, people from the outside may have a narrow view of what Thailand and its culture really is, but fortunately, there are things that help put a spotlight on these things. The next instalment of the Fast and Furious franchise is filming right now in parts of Thailand, including Krabi where its governor stated that the film would be a "great advertisement for the nature, culture and history of the kingdom". Erm sure, that's what the Fast and Furious franchise is all about anyway. While the film will most likely be more about cars zoom-zooming and vroom-vrooming, there are a number of shows on TV that give a better focus on Thai culture. Here are a few.


Time to come clean

News, Postbag, Published on 15/06/2019

» Re: "Cops scrutinise MP's posts", (BP, June 11).



Footloose and fancy-free

B Magazine, Chanun Poomsawai, Published on 17/03/2019

» Over the past decade, Beirut's Zach Condon has been a go-to guy for what I like to refer to as "speciality indie rock". This is just a fancy way of saying that the music is unlike your typical indie sound. Beirut are masters when it comes to injecting world music elements into their repertoire, which has accumulated into a sizeable discography since their 2006 debut Gulag Orkestar. And although the boys may have faltered somewhat with previous effort No No No, they're back stronger than ever with their latest, Gallipoli.



What we watched in 2018

Life, Published on 26/12/2018

» The great and the good from the silver screen, TV screen and phone screen.



Beyond the ropes

Guru, Pasavat Tanskul, Published on 19/10/2018

» In Bangkok's Charoen Krung area, tucked within an alley lies Maison Close, a dark bar/art gallery and home to some of the more uncommon tastes in art from abstract calligraphy to ero guro. However, as you enter the venue on some nights, art isn't the only focus but a blindfolded woman hung in suspension with ropes. The ropes have been tied up by a rope artist and her model serves as a canvas for elaborate and intricate patterns. Despite looking uncomfortable, the model, dubbed a rope bunny, is in a state of stillness and relaxation, with the ropes symmetrically wrapped around the curves of her body -- something beautiful or mesmerising. This is shibari or the art of Japanese rope bondage. Enter at your own risk.



The Many Realities of Vatanika

Muse, Published on 18/08/2018

» A veteran fashion PR and designer of a cult handbag brand once wrote on his Facebook: "You can get your cup noodle ready in three minutes by putting it on your smartphone, provided you leave the screen on Vatanika Patamasingha Na Ayudhaya's Instagram page."