Search Result for “Human Rights Watch”

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Down the rabbit hole

Oped, Postbag, Published on 03/02/2018

» Help me, somebody, I think I must have fallen down a rabbit hole and found myself in a world as crazy as Alice did. In this strange, topsy-turvy world the people who ousted an elected government, an action usually considered more serious than sedition is now arresting protesters and dissidents for actions and speech inciting people to rebel against their government.



A look back at another 'amazing' year

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 31/12/2017

» It is customary at this time of the year to take a not too serious look back on the past 12 months, although there are some events you may well prefer to forget. If nothing else it will serve as a reminder that Thailand will always be Truly Amazing.



Spiritual journeys on Bangkok's BTS

Guru, Catherine Faulder, Published on 12/05/2017

» Those familiar with the contemporary art circles of Thailand will know that Kamin Lertchaiprasert's name carries immense respect. The Silpakorn University graduate and former student of The Art Student League of New York has spent most of his career developing a deep interest in religion and philosophy. Previously known for co-founding The Land Foundation that turned rice fields into spaces for site-specific art and architectural projects, as well as a number of international solo exhibitions, Kamin will now, potentially, be known for something even more soul awakening. He is currently crowdfunding a pioneering art project that will give Bangkok its first ever city-wide mobile installation. The campaign, "Universal Connections" is set to wrap an entire BTS train, inside and out, with pieces of art composed of "spiritual fractals". We sat down with the talented artist to find out more about this exciting project. If you're interested in seeing this ground-breaking project made possible — come on, won't you be glad to say good riddance to all that flashy corporate advertising we're bombarded with on a daily basis? — be sure to make your contribution to "Universal Connections" via the crowdfunding platform


Courting controversy

Life, Kong Rithdee, Published on 13/01/2016

» When creativity crosses the line into insensitivity, there's usually a pattern of uproar, apology and cancellation. In the past many years, there's been a number of notorious cases of insensitive creativity in Thai commercials, series, films and visual representations that have made international headlines. The offensive issues often involve race, skin colour, ethnicity and historical interpretation. There are many more that never made the front page, for example the casual mockery of minorities and genders that is normalised by the audience, such as jokes on the accents of hilltribe people that often appear in movies and TV series.