Search Result for “Fake”

Showing 1 - 10 of 24


Those pesky pigeons and a plastic owl

Roger Crutchley, Published on 21/07/2024

» Fond as I am of our feathered friends I admit to getting in a bit of a flap over the rapidly increasing number of pigeons (nok pilab) that have been descending on our residence in recent times. Some people call pigeons "rats with wings", others more generously "doves without the PR". I must confess to be leaning towards the first of those opinions.



Thailand through the looking glass

Roger Crutchley, Published on 07/01/2024

» It's that time of the year when newspaper columnists predict what's in store for the next 12 months. Hopefully it will be an improvement on last year. We have just about scraped through the Year of the Rabbit but I haven't got too much faith in what the Year of the Dragon has to offer. We cannot rule out another annus horribilis.



Farewell to two fine former colleagues

Roger Crutchley, Published on 10/12/2023

» Far too many of my former Bangkok Post colleagues have passed away this year and this week things got even worse with two more old pals gone.



The dictionaries have a word for it

Roger Crutchley, Published on 26/11/2023

» It's that much-anticipated time when dictionary publishers come out with their "words of the year". In recent times such words have become increasingly depressing. You may recall last year Collins Dictionary went for "permacrisis" which has turned out to be uncomfortably accurate in light of world events over the ensuing 12 months.


Going bananas over the 'Day-O' song

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 07/05/2023

» The recent death of the gifted Jamaican-American singer Harry Belafonte at the age of 96 inevitably sparked memories of when his biggest hit "Day-O (The Banana Boat Song)" swept the globe, including Britain.



Cops are queuing up for inactive posts

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 05/02/2023

» It has been quite an entertaining week although admittedly not everyone involved will see the funny side. An Air Force officer says he is happy he was caught after snatching a necklace at a gold shop because he wanted to get away from his wife and a prison cell would do nicely. A rather bizarre motive, but he got his wish. Apparently a lengthy spell in the slammer beats a daily nagging.


It all began with Rhett and Scarlett

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 27/03/2022

» With the Oscars upon us this weekend it seems an apt time to recall choice lines from past films.


It could be fun, in a strange sort of way

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 10/01/2021

» A number of readers -- well, three -- have asked why last week's column did not contain the usual predictions for the coming year. My feeling at the time was that with the dark cloud of Covid-19 hovering over us it seemed a bit inappropriate to carry the usual frivolous PostScript predictions. However, I have had a change of heart and considering we are only 10 days into the New Year it is not too late to make silly forecasts.



When steamrollers saved the day

Oped, Roger Crutchley, Published on 06/12/2020

» In recent street confrontations in Bangkok the police have regularly used buses as barricades against the protesters, hopefully letting any dozing passengers off first. People tend to fall asleep on buses and might get a bit of a fright waking up in the midst of a street showdown.


Mullumbimby's 'Russians' in good voice

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 07/06/2020

» A rare piece of cheerful news comes from the unlikely locale of Mullumbimby, a small Australian town in New South Wales where 28 middle-aged bearded Aussies have formed a choir, singing only traditional Russian folk and marching songs. They call themselves "Dustyesky", dress as Russian workers in cloth caps and cheekily refer to their town as Mullumgrad. Calling themselves a "fake genuine Russian choir", their stirring rendition of the Song of the Volga Boatmen is something to behold.