Search Result for “Executive”

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Crisis deepens, violence fears grow

Oped, Larry Jagan, Published on 11/02/2021

» Myanmar's political crisis is deepening rapidly, raising fears of an imminent violent confrontation between the military and pro-democracy protesters. Every day hundreds and thousands continue to demonstrate their refusal to accept the military coup. In the past few days, the military have begun a concerted crackdown: using water cannons, riot police charges and shooting above the crowd's heads to scare them.



Civil disobedience, opposition to coup is growing

Oped, Larry Jagan, Published on 06/02/2021

» Opposition in Myanmar to the coup is escalating daily, as the new military-led regime tries to pacify the business community and quickly return the country to normal. The civil disobedience campaign initiated by the country's health workers is also growing in numbers, affecting hospitals, schools and other government offices. So far, the authorities have been powerless to stem the movement. But as the momentum grows there are increasing fears of a major confrontation between the peaceful protesters and the security forces.



Power grab brings nation to standstill

News, Larry Jagan, Published on 02/02/2021

» Myanmar's military has seized control of the country after detaining de facto leader Aung San Suu Kyi, President Win Myint and other politicians in a pre-dawn raid yesterday morning. There have been massive detentions in this military round up: all key politicians, the regional chief ministers, the top leadership of the governing National League for Democracy (NLD), most national and local members of parliament, and hundreds of pro-democracy and human rights activists. Little is known about their whereabouts at present, though it appears that the Lady -- as she is known -- is under house arrest. But there are widespread fears about her continued safety and the other detainees.


Military stokes coup fears amid political crisis

Oped, Larry Jagan, Published on 29/01/2021

» Concerns about a possible military coup have swept across Myanmar this week amid signs of a deepening constitutional crisis. Tensions between Myanmar's military and its political allies on one hand and the country's pro-democracy politicians on the other are worsening, as a dispute over the election outcome intensifies, ahead of a landmark court case later today to decide the legitimacy of these electoral fraud claims. In the meantime, comments by the military earlier this week have fueled fears of a possible coup.



NLD prepares for new era of changes and reform

Oped, Larry Jagan, Published on 21/11/2020

» Myanmar's ruling National League for Democracy's electoral victory has emboldened its leaders to press on with major changes, including at the very top of the government. There is likely to be a new president -- though Aung San Suu Kyi in her role as State Counsellor will still effectively be running the country -- and a new look cabinet. In the meantime there is also likely to be a changing of the guard in the country's all-powerful military, or Tatmadaw.



Ethnic parties give wake-up call to NLD

News, Larry Jagan, Published on 06/11/2018

» Analysts are poring over the results of Myanmar's by-elections which took place on Saturday, vainly trying to read the tea leaves, and perhaps reading too much into them. But it was certainly a wake-up call for both major parties -- the ruling National League for Democracy (NLD) and the previous governing party, the Union Solidarity and Development Party (USDP) -- but the lessons that can be drawn for the future are limited.



Euphoria subsides as new govt takes helm

News, Larry Jagan, Published on 31/03/2016

» Myanmar's new president Htin Kyaw has been sworn in this week, along with the new cabinet. It is indeed a historic moment, as the country's first democratic government since 1958 takes office tomorrow. But the euphoria that surrounded the National League for Democracy's overwhelming election victory last November is now slowly subsiding, as the enormity of the task facing the new government is rapidly being realised.


Myanmar starts new parliamentary era

News, Larry Jagan, Published on 01/02/2016

» Myanmar's new members of parliament are convening in the legislature Monday. The first session since their election in November last year, this marks a significant step in Myanmar's road to full and genuine democracy.



Democratic era dawns on the generals

News, Larry Jagan, Published on 10/11/2015

» Aung San Suu Kyi and her party, the National League for Democracy (NLD), are heading for a historic landslide victory in Sunday's elections. Although the official results are days away -- the charismatic pro-democracy leader seems certain to control the lower house, and may even have an absolute majority in the parliament as a whole.


Suu Kyi's rivals are trying to steal election

News, Larry Jagan, Published on 02/11/2015

» As electioneering enters its final days, most people in Myanmar are increasingly worried that these elections will not be free, fair nor credible.