Search Result for “Chinese-funded infrastructure”

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Mining on the Moon a boon of prestige rivalry

News, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 10/01/2024

» What could be so rare and valuable that it would be worth going all the way to the Moon to get some?



Of debt and bondage with Beijing

Oped, Brahma Chellaney, Published on 26/11/2022

» Recently released details of Kenya's 2014 loan agreement with China to finance a controversial railway project have once again highlighted the predatory nature of Chinese lending in developing countries. The contract not only imposed virtually all risk on the borrower (including requiring binding arbitration in China to settle any dispute), but also raised those risks to unmanageable levels (such as by setting an unusually high interest rate). With terms like that, it is no wonder some countries around the world have become ensnared in sovereignty-eroding Chinese debt traps.


Climate goals call for less rivalry

Oped, Published on 20/07/2022

» Climate change is an existential threat that sheds new light on the US-China rivalry. The rise of China has shaken the post-Cold War liberal order and the West has been preoccupied with whether to engage or contain China, or both.


Tech 'cold war' will split the world

News, Published on 27/05/2019

» The US-China tech cold war is about to spread, and that will force leaders to make some difficult decisions.



Spitting image

News, Published on 04/08/2018

» Re: "Taking Cambodia's bogus election to task", (Opinion, Aug 3).



Malaysia rethinks on China projects

News, Published on 18/06/2018

» Malaysia was once a loyal partner in China's globe-spanning infrastructure drive but a new government is now pledging to review Beijing-backed projects, threatening key links in the much-vaunted initiative.



Muslim minority faces modern Orwellian nightmare

News, Peter Apps, Published on 17/05/2018

» In China's northwest Xinjiang province, the predominantly Muslim Uighur minority have nowhere to hide. Facial recognition software reportedly alerts authorities if targeted individuals stray more than 300 metres from their homes and workplaces. Residents face arrest if they fail to download smartphone software that allows them to be tracked, according to social media users. Simply wishing to travel outside China can be cause for arrest, with Beijing detaining family members and using its political clout to force extradition of those abroad.



Xi's 'shared vision' draws nations closer to China's orbit

News, Paritta Wangkiat, Published on 20/10/2017

» Expected to keep his job for another five-year term, Chinese President and Communist Party leader Xi Jinping will likely pursue his diplomatic tactics to ensure developing economies continue to be China-dependent.



Dangerous liaisons

News, Postbag, Published on 09/06/2017

» I just heard a report on BBC radio about a failed Chinese investment in Sri Lanka. It could be a warning to Thailand.


Trump is right about America's 'third world' airports

News, Adam Minter, Published on 07/10/2016

» It's the one opinion that Donald Trump and his opponents seem to share: America's airports are so bad, it's like "they're from a third world country", as Mr Trump said in the first debate. Vice President Joe Biden said the same of New York's LaGuardia two years ago. Much of the flying public seems to roughly agree.