Search Result for “Chao Sam Phraya”

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Myanmar strife keeps getting worse

Oped, Paskorn Jumlongrach, Published on 21/10/2021

» The sour relationship between Myanmar and Asean might have forced the Tatmadaw -- a term for the Myanmar junta government -- to go soft and release hundreds of political prisoners from Insein prison, in a bid perceived as an attempt to extend an olive branch to the regional bloc.



No quick fixes for plight of refugees

News, Editorial, Published on 20/06/2021

» Today marks World Refugee Day, and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), along with the US and British embassies in Bangkok, Chao Phraya Express Boat and Tha Maharaj Lifestyle Mall are holding a series of understandably modest but well-intentioned activities to commemorate the lives and achievements of those often forcefully displaced from their home nations.



Poor meant to suffer

News, Postbag, Published on 21/09/2019

» Re: "Ubon flood saga catches govt napping", (Opinion, Sept 20). The whole problem has many answers. Corruption, low education, but mostly the higher-ups just don't care about poor people and especially those from the North and Northeast even more so.



Is river project for everyone?

News, Editorial, Published on 22/11/2018

» The Chao Phraya promenade, a 14-kilometre walkway and bike route on the banks of the river that is dubbed the artery of the nation is to face yet another hurdle.


Doctors must speak Thai

News, Published on 08/08/2012

» Re: ''Thai medical graduates 'must boost English skills''' (BP, Aug 7)


Korkaew's parallel world

News, Published on 14/07/2012

» Re: ''Korkaew comes under fire'' (BP, July 13).



Flood barriers prompt fears

News, Published on 21/06/2012

» Last year's devastating flood is still fresh in the minds of millions of people in the North, the Central Plains and Bangkok's suburbs.


UK's patronising tone

News, Published on 07/01/2012

» I found the article ''UK-Asean relations for the 21st century'' (BP, Opinion, Jan 6) fascinating _ which is to say, very patronising. I am trying to understand the British foreign minister's statement that ''...we have a shared interest in maintaining security in a region which has some of the world's most important shipping routes... tackling common threats such as... nuclear proliferation, cyber-crime, and climate change''.