Search Result for “Aung San Suu Kyi”

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Asean chair Laos stresses group's unity amid superpower rivalry

Published on 25/07/2024

» VIENTIANE: The foreign ministers of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean) met in Vientiane on Thursday, with Laos, the regional grouping's current chair, stressing that member nations need to remain united amid geopolitical changes, in an apparent reference to growing superpower rivalry in the region.



Myanmar to send senior official to Asean meeting in Laos

Published on 23/07/2024

» VIENTIANE: Myanmar's military government will dispatch a senior official to attend the Association of Southeast Asian Nations foreign ministers meeting in Laos later this week, diplomatic sources told Kyodo News on Tuesday.



Myanmar's embattled junta chief takes on role of nominal president

Published on 23/07/2024

» All duties of Myanmar's figurehead president have been transferred to the chief of the ruling junta, Min Aung Hlaing, after the nominal head of state was placed on medical leave following a period of prolonged illness, state television said on Monday.



Myanmar rebels flooding Thailand with meth

Wassana Nanuam, Published on 08/07/2024

» Armed ethnic groups are producing more illicit drugs to traffic in or through Thailand to finance their fight against the forces of the Myanmar government, a senior army officer said on Monday.



Myanmar shop owners jailed for raising wages

Published on 02/07/2024

» With Myanmar’s currency plunging and inflation soaring, the owner of three mobile phone shops in Mandalay announced he was giving his employees a raise. Word of his generosity quickly spread on Facebook, and his workers cheered the news.



Rohingya minority in firing line as rebels attack western Myanmar

Reuters, Published on 02/07/2024

» COX'S BAZAR - It was soon after afternoon prayers at a mosque near western Myanmar's Maungdaw town last month that 45-year-old Abdur said he looked up and spotted a drone hovering above. It was armed.



Myanmar central bank denies Thai banks helped junta buy weapons

Published on 30/06/2024

» Myanmar's central bank denied a UN report that the country's military government has used Thai banks, among others, to access money and weapons for its war against anti-coup forces , saying financial institutions under the bank's supervision followed prescribed procedures.



Myanmar's Aung San Suu Kyi turns 79 under detention

Kyodo News, Published on 20/06/2024

» YANGON - Myanmar's democracy icon Aung San Suu Kyi turned 79 on Wednesday while serving a prison term, with supporters in and outside the Southeast Asian country expressing concern about her health as the ruling military faces resistance from opposition forces.



Hun Sen is Cambodia's de facto FM

Oped, Published on 14/06/2024

» Who exactly is in charge of foreign affairs in Cambodia? Judging by the last few months, Hun Sen, the former prime minister turned Senate president, appears to be pulling the strings. At least he's now the main mouthpiece.



Myanmar's ethnic armies consolidate strongholds as junta weakens

Reuters, Published on 30/05/2024

» NAYPYIDAW - Myanmar's ruling junta has lost control over vast tracts of territory, including access to much of its international borders, allowing ethnic armed groups to expand and consolidate regions under their control, two reports assessing the conflict said on Thursday.