Search Result for “Asean Economic Community”

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Recycling a risk in itself

Oped, Editorial, Published on 14/12/2022

» Rayong provincial court yesterday ordered Win Process Co -- a hazardous waste recycling company -- to clean up toxic waste contamination and pay 20.82-million-baht compensation to villagers who had been forced to suffer the effects of the contamination for a decade.



Quiet or loud diplomacy?

Oped, Editorial, Published on 14/10/2022

» Russia's invasion of Ukraine has forced countries around the world to make tough economic and diplomatic decisions. But in the latest vote on Wednesday at the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) on a resolution to condemn Russia's recent annexation bids in eastern Ukraine, Thailand abstained, a move that raises questions about the kingdom's stance.



Myanmar poses Asean quandary

News, Editorial, Published on 13/02/2022

» In the year following the coup in Myanmar which unseated Aung San Suu Kyi, the 1991 Nobel Peace Prize winner and then State Counsellor (a position equivalent to prime minister), the country's military has continued to pursue a policy of violence against detractors, leaving the world aghast. It has also left Asean in a quandary over how to handle the situation in a manner befitting its aspirations for growth, future prosperity and influence on the world stage.



End misery in Myanmar

News, Editorial, Published on 22/06/2021

» Thailand's decision to abstain from voting to adopt the United Nations' General Assembly (UNGA) resolution on the situation in Myanmar on Friday was not surprising.



Asean's virus dilemma

News, Editorial, Published on 03/08/2020

» The Covid-19 pandemic poses several challenges to the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean), intensifying regional poverty and inequality. The growing hardship will also pose a major threat to its economic integration.



Asean must walk the walk

Oped, Editorial, Published on 26/06/2020

» Today, leaders of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean) are set to "meet" at a virtual summit, a format the grouping adopted in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic which has led to enormous challenges but also an opportunity.



Civil groups get ignored again

News, Editorial, Published on 23/06/2019

» The 34th summit of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean) under Thailand's chairmanship is to wrap up today in what is known as a retreat. The grouping with 10 member countries made some progress on certain issues that deserve recognition, but there are some issues that are less than satisfactory, especially when it comes to the group giving the cold shoulder to civil society groups.



Allow Timor into Asean

News, Editorial, Published on 05/12/2017

» A meeting in Indonesia has all the signs of becoming a talkfest without result. And that is a shame, since the senior officials from the 10 Asean countries will be talking -- again -- about admitting East Timor as the 11th member. The Asean summit in Manila three weeks ago should "continue assess" the application by Dili to join. Tuesday's talks are disappointing, because the group should have already decided to admit Timor, and should be discussing details.



A chance to deter N Korea

News, Editorial, Published on 01/08/2017

» The annual meeting of the Asean Regional Forum foreign ministers takes place this week in the Philippines and is likely to overshadow the other top two conferences of the "Asean Week" -- the 10-nation Asean group and the "Asean +3" which includes China, Japan and South Korea.



Education reform should start early

News, Editorial, Published on 18/06/2017

» Will the presence of international universities be a solution to help Thai higher education respond to the challenges that come with regional economic cooperation?