Search Result for “5g tech”

Showing 791 - 797 of 797


Wireless way to go

Database, Suchit Leesa-nguansuk, Published on 05/01/2011

» The overwhelming number of smart phones and tablet devices in the market has brought about a paradigm shift involving virtual mobile workers, corporate data centres and a blurring of network security.


Disappoint people at a rate they can endure

Database, Don Sambandaraksa, Published on 10/11/2010

» I wonder what Professor Jamison would think of our beloved National Telecommunications Commission (NTC). Quite a bit, I am sure, but he was tight-lipped when I asked him as he also works for the seven great ones in a consultancy position. Let's see.


Voice recording on the go

Database, Pee Kay, Published on 25/08/2010

» For a couple of years now, I've attended weekend sermons like a good Buddhist should do. As a good student, I'd wanted to record lessons preached by Pra Arjarn (the teaching monk) for later listening, which means I need to find a practical way to record what is taught in the temple. And so begins my search for the most practical and economical way to perform live voice recording.



Unclogging the networks

Database, Don Sambandaraksa, Published on 04/08/2010

» While most of today's modern 3G data plans talk of megabytes of data, airtime minutes are still important and telcos need tools to help them see the hidden congestion that is clogging up their networks to provide a better end user experience.


Perils of moving files

Database, Published on 21/07/2010

» I hope you can help me here as I have had no success on my own. I use Windows 7 64 bit. I was copying some video files from My Doc>My Videos on my D drive to an external HDD with success. Then, when I was deleting the old files and torrents from the D: drive something happened and the entire My Videos file in My Doc on D: drive disappeared.


After all the waiting games, Thailand looks set to leapfrog 3G

Database, Don Sambandaraksa, Published on 02/06/2010

» Thailand is going to leapfrog 3G entirely and go straight to 3.9G, according to newly appointed National Telecommunications Commissioner Dr Natee Sukonrat, who has burst on to the Twitter scene under his username of @DrNatee39G.


Many obstacles in the way of 3G coverage

Database, Don Sambandaraksa, Published on 17/03/2010

» Providing 3G coverage will prove much more difficult than many expect and is not just a case of re-using old 1800 cells sites to the nature of the technology that could see cell sizes range from over 100 kilometres to just down the road depending on the number of active users in the cell, as Alcatel-Lucent Thailand's head of solutions and marketing, Laurent Perche, explains.