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Less fear, more safety the key to tourism restart

News, Published on 30/07/2020

» It's becoming apparent that if Thailand relies on fear to help us overcome Covid-19, it will ultimately be at the expense of our travel industry.


A just post-pandemic transition

Oped, Published on 24/07/2020

» It will take time for Covid-19's economic consequences to come into full view. But some of the costs are already becoming apparent, beginning with the devastation the crisis will wreak on the global workforce. With climate change also threatening to hurt the world's most vulnerable workers, the need for a holistic crisis response that emphasises both justice and sustainability could not be greater.



Don't back Uighur abuse

News, Editorial, Published on 23/11/2019

» Secret Chinese government documents leaked to The New York Times have provided chilling details about its "no mercy" approach to repression of Uighurs and other Muslim minority groups in the northwestern region of Xinjiang. The revelation should serve as a reminder to Thai admirers of Chinese President Xi Jinping of the brutal and paranoid reality of his regime.


We should let China spy on us

News, David Fickling, Published on 22/04/2019

» Even as the US and China seem headed toward a truce on trade, their rivalry is heating up in other areas.



How about a social-digital solution to automation?

News, Published on 06/03/2019

» Nowadays, one struggles to think of any jobs that will still be available for our children when they grow up. Panicked parents are increasingly trying to anticipate the next big digital thing, so that they can give their kids a leg-up over all the other humans whose jobs will soon be automated. Accountants and radiographers are already doomed, but surely the developers perfecting driverless cars or adding new features to Facebook are safe, right?



China is blowing an opportunity with Meng's arrest

News, Published on 21/12/2018

» China is blowing the geopolitical opportunity of a lifetime. There has probably never been a better moment to undo America's greatest strategic advantage by dividing the US from its global network of democratic allies, many of which are horrified by President Trump's rhetoric and policies and deeply worried about Washington's staying power. Yet, Beijing is doing its best to remind that democratic world that it has far more to fear from a hegemonic China than from an erratic America.



Social media the theatre of 'Information World War'

News, Published on 19/12/2018

» A year ago, in his annual New Year's resolution post, Mark Zuckerberg pledged to spend 2018 fixing Facebook by addressing foreign manipulation, election interference and other threats. He and other tech leaders should probably renew that vow for 2019, and 2020, and possibly every year after that.



Trump's phone tap karmic revenge?

News, Published on 30/10/2018

» Specific incidents can sometimes reveal much larger truths. This would seem to be the case regarding recent revelations that the Chinese have been eavesdropping on US President Donald Trump's less-than-secure phone calls and using the information gathered as part of an elaborate plot to influence the president.


Ending the war against women

Asia focus, Tanyatorn Tongwaranan, Published on 15/10/2018

» Two exceptionally brave individuals, Nadia Murad and Denis Mukwege, have received this year's Nobel Peace Prize for their efforts to end rape as a weapon of war. Their courage and persistence deserve to be applauded.



Reckless development sows seeds of disaster

News, Paritta Wangkiat, Published on 09/08/2018

» As monsoon rains have struck the Mekong region recently, some countries have been hit hard by flooding. These disasters reflect the fact that the region's development projects have not fully recognised climate change impacts and so lack plans to deal with them.