Search Result for “$3 million”

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Hospital to pay for negligence

News, Published on 26/01/2012

» Justice has finally prevailed, however belatedly, for Burin Sereeyothin, his three children and the parents of his deceased wife, Jureerat.



Justice for poor hinges on reform

News, Sanitsuda Ekachai, Published on 26/01/2012

» After 12 years of an exhaustive series of court battles, Paijit Silarak, the grassroots activist and arch enemy of Rasi Salai Dam, can finally let out a sigh of relief.


Balance sheet of the Arab Spring

News, Published on 25/01/2012

» Last year's events in Egypt and Tunisia drew the curtain on a tottering old order and delivered much of the Arab world into a long-awaited new era. But what that new era will look like remains very much an open question, given the many challenges that the region's countries still face.



Thawee pushes for peace by recompense

News, King-oua Laohong, Published on 25/01/2012

» Thawee Sodsong believes a new, friendly strategy of the Southern Border Provinces Administrative Centre will succeed in quelling the violence and silence the critics who fear it will only inflame the situation in the restive deep South.


Shock tactics can rebound

News, Published on 21/01/2012

» One of the big pluses of the internet is that it is free for all to use. No one needs a licence or special permission to blog, upload videos, set up Facebook or Twitter accounts or make their voice heard. While that is as it should be, this freedom needs to be carefully guarded and exercised responsibly. If it is abused by those who act stupidly and provocatively then it provides governments with an excuse to step in and interfere with the free flow of information, something they are always ready to do. It is the bad actions of a few that spoil things for the many.


Migration in 2012: challenging ingrained impunity

News, Andy Hall, Published on 21/01/2012

» At cabinet meetings during Thailand's floods, migration was absent from the political agenda. No specific response was apparently required. Officials reported no "host agency" and neither the Labour, Interior nor Foreign ministries assumed direct responsibility. Law enforcement agencies monitor migrants closely and surely knew how the floods impacted on them, however.



Cabinet in for a rough ride

News, Published on 20/01/2012

» Even with a newly beefed up cabinet, the Yingluck Shinawatra administration cannot expect to sail easily through the political storms ahead, given the rising political temperature, looming flood threats and weakened international confidence.


Asia's giants in race to ensure energy security

News, Published on 19/01/2012

» As Asia's rising powers seek to sustain growth and ensure stability, energy security has moved to the forefront of Asian geopolitics.



Give our kids a better deal

News, Published on 13/01/2012

» If children are the country's future, what lies ahead could indeed be grim when one child in every three comes from vulnerable and high-risk groups. We are talking about five million children under 15 years of age across the country. If this is not a cause for concern when the country observes Children's Day tomorrow, what is?



The implications of Burma's progress

News, Thitinan Pongsudhirak, Published on 13/01/2012

» Watching Burma's ongoing progress towards democratic reforms and political dialogue from afar is like seeing sprinkling rain turning into a light downpour after a long drought over two decades. It is a spectacular and stunning sight thus far, partly because the long drought stirred pent-up demands and grievances for ways forward.