Search Result for “$3 million”

Showing 51 - 60 of 61


Rice scheme tests limits of fiscal prudence

News, Wichit Chantanusornsiri, Published on 09/01/2014

» Imagine this scenario. You want to remodel your kitchen with some new cabinets, floor tiles and appliances, which your contractor will do for 50,000 baht and two days' work.


SME Bank might be better off closing its doors

News, Wichit Chantanusornsiri, Published on 26/09/2013

» I wonder who is in greater need _ Thai small businesses or the state bank set up to help them?



Farm sector pampering simply has to stop

News, Wichit Chantanusornsiri, Published on 05/09/2013

» For many, it may seem unrealistic for the protesting rubber farmers, especially those in the South, to demand a guaranteed price of 120 baht per kilogramme from the government while the world rubber price has plunged to 72 baht.



Rice, road and rail must all pass the logic test

News, Wichit Chantanusornsiri, Published on 04/07/2013

» It's easy to be cynical about politics and policy when decisions are seemingly made day-by-day, with hardly any rhyme or reason.


Day of reckoning nears for flawed rice scheme

News, Wichit Chantanusornsiri, Published on 23/05/2013

» It seems like the line drawn in the sand is fading with each day. Policymakers had previously insisted that the 500-billion-baht allocation to the rice pledging scheme was enough to ensure financial self-sufficiency for the programme.


Govt defence of rice Maginot Line can't last

News, Wichit Chantanusornsiri, Published on 21/03/2013

» In late 1996 and early 1997, in the face of a slowing economy, deficits in the budget, trade and current accounts, and weakness in the financial system, the Bank of Thailand insisted that it was ready to go to war.



Sacrificing happiness for development

News, Wichit Chantanusornsiri, Published on 17/01/2013

» I happen to agree with the adage that money alone can't buy happiness. So why do development policies seem to focus on economic growth with little consideration given to quality of life, social stability or public happiness?


Time to look a gift horse in the mouth

News, Wichit Chantanusornsiri, Published on 27/12/2012

» It's holiday season, a time for festivities and cheer, a time to reminisce and to dream, to exchange gifts with friends and family.



Solving poverty goes beyond writing cheques

News, Wichit Chantanusornsiri, Published on 04/10/2012

» The pungent smell of tobacco, urine and sweat reek of despair and degradation in the heat of the noon sun. How can they stand it? Hundreds, perhaps thousands of people, many old, some young, spread out on simple bamboo mats laid out on the asphalt in hopes of attracting attention from those beyond the tall steel gates.



Let's address the cause, not just the symptoms

News, Wichit Chantanusornsiri, Published on 10/05/2012

» The shadow of Thaksin Shinawatra has never faded from Thai politics since his sweeping rise to power over one decade ago. One of the signature policies that helped Thaksin and his Thai Rak Thai Party romp to victory was a pledge to suspend debt payments for millions nationwide, ostensibly to help address the perennial problem of indebtedness suffered by small-scale farmers.