Search Result for “year”

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2% inflation targets wiggle room

News, Published on 11/06/2024

» This week's milestone G7 interest rate cuts dispel any notion that hitting 2% inflation targets spot on is a precondition for central bank moves or indeed sensible -- and may guide thinking on the Federal Reserve and Bank of England too.



Chadchart needs to act

Oped, Editorial, Published on 11/06/2024

» Bangkok governor Chadchart Sittipunt's anti-graft fighting efforts have so far largely been passively bureaucratic and, at best, reactive, despite his 2022 campaign promises to uproot corruption at City Hall.


India's election result a surprise for Modi, BJP

Oped, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 10/06/2024

» 'Pride goeth before a fall", says the Old Testament, so India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi was just begging for humiliation. It duly arrived.



Let's double down on resilience

Oped, Published on 10/06/2024

» This year has already seen a cascade of extreme weather events -- from devastating floods in Pakistan, to scorching heatwaves in the Sahel and West Africa -- leaving an indelible mark on many parts of the world. The increasing number of lives (now already in the tens of millions) affected by extreme weather events further reminds us how vulnerable we are in the face of an increasingly volatile climate and water system.



Beach woes need blue sky thinking

Editorial, Published on 09/06/2024

» The news in March about a foreigner attacking a Thai woman who was sitting on the stone stairs of his villa, which encroached on Phuket's Yamu public beach, stirred up a national debate about the beach grab issue.


Asterisk more than just a footnote

Roger Crutchley, Published on 09/06/2024

» In the ladies golf major tournament last weekend one of the top American amateurs was 15-year-old Asterisk Talley. I don't recall ever coming across Asterisk as a name before. Apparently her mother is Greek and the word asterisk in Greek means "little star". So it would seem quite an acceptable name for a baby.



The high cost of GPT-4o 'giveaway'

Oped, Published on 08/06/2024

» With the launch of GPT-4o, OpenAI has once again shown itself to be the world's most innovative artificial-intelligence company. This new multimodal AI tool -- which seamlessly integrates text, voice, and visual capabilities -- is significantly faster than previous models, greatly enhancing the user experience. But perhaps the most attractive feature of GPT-4o is that it is free -- or so it seems.


What's next for India's Modi after poll win?

Oped, Published on 08/06/2024

» This year has turned out to be the time of major elections: Mexico, South Africa, Taiwan, European Union, Pakistan, Russia, soon the United Kingdom, and in November, the United States. And now India has just finished national elections for parliament, reelecting a conservative and populist prime minister who has delivered progress for the people during the past decade and who now embarks on a historic third term.


Improving the region's food safety

Oped, Published on 07/06/2024

» In a region with poor food safety standards, policy makers, the private sector and consumers in Asia and the Pacific must do better.



Economic goals facing Mexico's new president

Oped, Published on 07/06/2024

» Mexico's first female president, Claudia Sheinbaum, will take office on Oct 1, and for at least the first half of her six-year mandate, the coalition of parties that brought her to power will have a majority in both houses of Congress.