Search Result for “term”

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Macron gambles on investor faith

News, Published on 12/06/2024

» French President Emmanuel Macron has taken a serious gamble in calling early parliamentary elections. The consequences of putting politics above economic stability could be profound. Financial markets don't like unnecessary or unexpected political volatility, especially at the core of the European Union. The electorate only gets to vote at elections; financial markets get to vote every day, and so far, they're giving a thumbs down to Mr Macron's ploy.


2% inflation targets wiggle room

News, Published on 11/06/2024

» This week's milestone G7 interest rate cuts dispel any notion that hitting 2% inflation targets spot on is a precondition for central bank moves or indeed sensible -- and may guide thinking on the Federal Reserve and Bank of England too.



Hipster antitrust policy is actually conservative

News, Published on 11/06/2024

» Antitrust policy is having a moment. Led by Federal Trade Commission Chair Lina Khan, US President Joe Biden's administration is turning its attention to suspect activity not only in Big Tech and Big Oil, but also in Big Alcohol, Big Hotel and Big Concert. The rationale for this new push, however, is ambiguous: Is antitrust law a tool to protect consumers from higher prices, or to defend small businesses against big ones?


Still haunted by Washington Consensus

Oped, Published on 11/06/2024

» In 1989, the British economist John Williamson christened what was to become the defining intellectual export of the era of globalisation: the Washington Consensus. Initially a reference to the policies adopted to tackle macroeconomic turmoil in Latin America, the term quickly morphed into a canonical "ten commandments" of development.



Govt has a knack for self-sabotage

Oped, Veera Prateepchaikul, Published on 10/06/2024

» Behind the backdrop of a sluggish economy, Thailand is entering a new phase of political uncertainty that threatens to drive the government into turmoil and plunge the ailing economy into deeper trouble.


India's election result a surprise for Modi, BJP

Oped, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 10/06/2024

» 'Pride goeth before a fall", says the Old Testament, so India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi was just begging for humiliation. It duly arrived.



Mitigate global risks

Postbag, Published on 09/06/2024

» Re: "What's next for India's Modi after poll win?" (Opinion, June 8).



The high cost of GPT-4o 'giveaway'

Oped, Published on 08/06/2024

» With the launch of GPT-4o, OpenAI has once again shown itself to be the world's most innovative artificial-intelligence company. This new multimodal AI tool -- which seamlessly integrates text, voice, and visual capabilities -- is significantly faster than previous models, greatly enhancing the user experience. But perhaps the most attractive feature of GPT-4o is that it is free -- or so it seems.


What's next for India's Modi after poll win?

Oped, Published on 08/06/2024

» This year has turned out to be the time of major elections: Mexico, South Africa, Taiwan, European Union, Pakistan, Russia, soon the United Kingdom, and in November, the United States. And now India has just finished national elections for parliament, reelecting a conservative and populist prime minister who has delivered progress for the people during the past decade and who now embarks on a historic third term.



Of Egypt and parrots

Oped, Postbag, Published on 08/06/2024

» Re: "Exotic display", (BP, June 7).