Search Result for “troops”

Showing 91 - 100 of 207



Six months into war, Ukraine's fate still uncertain

Oped, Published on 24/08/2022

» It is often said that journalism is watching history unfold. I've never felt that so acutely as that night, six months ago, standing on a hotel balcony in the centre of Kyiv reporting live on a bellicose speech from Vladimir Putin.



Why Taiwan matters to the democratic world

News, Published on 20/08/2022

» US Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi's headline-generating visit to Taipei has reminded the world how much Taiwan matters to China. But Taiwan also should matter to the democratic world.


No justification for engaging with Taliban

Oped, Brahma Chellaney, Published on 19/08/2022

» In the year since the United States' disgraceful abandonment of Afghanistan to the Taliban, the country has gone down precisely the path any logical observer would have predicted: a medieval, jihadist, terrorist-sheltering emirate has been established. The US will incur costs for betraying its Afghan allies for a long time to come. But nobody will pay a higher price than Afghans.


Ukraine War a risky game of Mother May I?

Oped, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 17/08/2022

» 'This obviously does not happen because of a thrown butt," said British Defence Minister Ben Wallace. But the Russian Ministry of Defence insisted that the explosions that destroyed at least eight warplanes at Saki Air Base in Russian-occupied Crimea on Aug 9 were due to "a violation of fire safety requirements".



No will, no way

Oped, Postbag, Published on 17/08/2022

» Re: "Search to be 'stepped up'", (BP, Aug 12).


Why counting queers is a sign of progress

Oped, Published on 11/08/2022

» 'What is your sexual orientation?" In Brazil, where queer people have historically been ignored and excluded from statistics, this question holds special significance for the LGBTQ+ community.



Cannabis fairy tales

Oped, Postbag, Published on 09/08/2022

» Re: “Pharmacist group takes aim at weed”, (BP, July 30).



Artless strategy

News, Published on 08/08/2022

» Re: "Air force insists on jet cash", (BP, Aug 1).



Taiwan is Nancy Pelosi's last hurrah

Oped, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 06/08/2022

» Nancy Pelosi's brief visit to Taiwan this week caused great if somewhat confected anger in Beijing, but the Chinese Communist regime was not her main target. The Speaker of the House of Representatives has long supported Taiwan, and she will be aware that both the government and the people are in need of some reassurance at the moment.



Cambodia, Asean need to step up in Rohingya crisis

Oped, Published on 03/08/2022

» Since August 2017, rampant persecution and violence in Myanmar's Rakhine state has pushed hundreds of thousands of Muslim minority people, known as the Rohingya, to abandon their homes and seek sanctuary in Bangladesh. According to the United Nations' estimation, 200,000 Myanmar civilians have already sought refuge in Bangladesh following prior displacements. Many more have travelled to Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia, frequently with the assistance of human traffickers.