Search Result for “election”

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Apocalypse won't happen tomorrow

News, Veera Prateepchaikul, Published on 17/06/2024

» The unprecedented convergence of four major court cases tomorrow is causing widespread apprehension among quite a few people, particularly among stock investors, as political uncertainty is running high.



Govt has a knack for self-sabotage

Oped, Veera Prateepchaikul, Published on 10/06/2024

» Behind the backdrop of a sluggish economy, Thailand is entering a new phase of political uncertainty that threatens to drive the government into turmoil and plunge the ailing economy into deeper trouble.



Senators send the 'old man' a warning

News, Veera Prateepchaikul, Published on 27/05/2024

» It was a close call. Five against four was the vote by the nine Constitutional Court judges when they decided not to suspend Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin from performing his duties after they voted 6:3 to accept for consideration the petition of 40 senators demanding the removal of the prime minister for allegedly violating ethical standards in appointing Phichit Chuenban as PM's Office Minister.



Thaksin's influence no longer potent

News, Veera Prateepchaikul, Published on 01/04/2024

» The return of Thaksin Shinawatra to Thailand continues to raise questions about the fairness of our justice system.



Thaksin doing better than he should be

News, Veera Prateepchaikul, Published on 18/03/2024

» As old saying goes; a picture is worth a thousand words, and one good picture tells the whole story and chain of events.



Thaksin's release won't unite citizens

News, Veera Prateepchaikul, Published on 19/02/2024

» Convicted former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra was released on parole yesterday as widely anticipated.



Paetongtarn must avoid past trends

News, Veera Prateepchaikul, Published on 30/10/2023

» It came as no surprise that Paetongtarn Shinawatra, former prime minister Thaksin's youngest daughter, was overwhelmingly voted as the new leader of the Pheu Thai Party on Friday.



PM needs to be open to public criticism

News, Veera Prateepchaikul, Published on 16/10/2023

» Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin is desperately rallying the public to get behind the Pheu Thai Party's controversial digital wallet scheme. Known as the "helicopter money" scheme, the plan -- which will see 10,000 baht in digital cash remitted to all Thais aged 16 and above -- was one of the policies the party had promised its supporters ahead of the May 14 election.



MFP's 'straightforward' image in doubt

Oped, Veera Prateepchaikul, Published on 04/10/2023

» 'You can't have your cake and eat it." So goes the popular English proverb that warns that one cannot have two incompatible things at the same time.



Well, that was a wild ride to Govt House

News, Veera Prateepchaikul, Published on 04/09/2023

» Finally, the Pheu Thai-led coalition government of 11 parties has been formed and is expected to assume office either this week or early next week, depending on when the government's policy statement is delivered to parliament by Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin.