Search Result for “election”

Showing 1 - 10 of 21


We can always live in a dollhouse

Roger Crutchley, Published on 07/07/2024

» Thai tourism authorities are always quick to make the most of any new fad, which might explain the appearance of a life-sized Labubu doll on the front page of the Bangkok Post this week. Apparently, the mascot is part of a promotion to attract Chinese tourists. I confess to not knowing anything about the Labubu craze although the Post's doll correspondent informs me the designer doll is a "kind-hearted monster with pointed ears and serrated teeth". Hmmm.



Telling fortunes 'a nice little earner'

Roger Crutchley, Published on 26/05/2024

» A recent Thai news story concerned a man nabbed in an online fortune-telling scam. He would inform customers suffering from misfortune that their situation would dramatically improve if for a small fee he made a few prayers on his "direct line" to the deities in heaven.


Those acronyms can be bit of a pain

Roger Crutchley, Published on 19/05/2024

» One of my pet peeves with newspapers around the globe has always been the proliferation of acronyms, especially in headlines. Apart from the fact that no one really has the faintest idea what they stand for there's something about them that's just plain ugly.



Poster boys and girls near final straight

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 30/04/2023

» Try as you might you just cannot escape the forthcoming election with all those posters dangling from lampposts and the few remaining trees. The posters have been there for several months now and some are beginning to look a little the worse for wear, especially after this week's welcome rain in Bangkok. There is possibly nothing less appealing than a soggy political poster... apart from a soggy politician.



Lots of promises as big day approaches

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 02/04/2023

» With the Great Event, otherwise known as election day, just around the corner, like most countries in the world we will have to brace ourselves for regular helpings of political poppycock including plenty of promises from prospective candidates. Still, it could be fun.



It can't be worse than last year, can it?

Oped, Roger Crutchley, Published on 01/01/2023

» Well, here we are on the very first day of a brand new year. There has to be something auspicious about that. A good day to purchase lottery tickets with a few number ones perhaps?


Word of the year is hardly comforting

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 06/11/2022

» The most noteworthy news of the week is that Collins Dictionary came out with what it regards are the top 10 words of the year, saying they reflect the state of the world at the moment. It does not make happy reading.


A good time to 'keep calm and carry on'

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 23/10/2022

» There is definitely a "shifting the deckchairs on the Titanic" feel to the situation in Britain at the moment. If recent political events had been presented as a soap opera script it would have been rejected for being totally unbelievable.


It all began with a soapy TV 'moustache'

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 18/09/2022

» With Liz Truss becoming the 56th British prime minister, it got me thinking about how many PMs there have been in my lifetime. The answer is 16, going back to Clement Atlee, which is a bit scary. In fact, while I was still residing in the UK there were only six PMs.


Job vacancy: Must be good at promises

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 15/05/2022

» This time next week the good citizens of Bangkok will be choosing the person daft enough to want to be the next governor of the angelic metropolis known as Krungthep. Amazingly there are 31 otherwise perfectly sensible, intelligent people prepared to take on this thankless task.