Search Result for “thailand”

Showing 31 - 40 of 101


Govt has only itself to blame for jab fiasco

News, Atiya Achakulwisut, Published on 18/05/2021

» 'Now is not the time to play politics.'' Prime Minister Gen Prayut Chan-o-cha often warns people criticising his government. Ironically, it's the PM and his team who should pay heed to this advice.


Thamanat 'dirt' splatters all over govt

Oped, Atiya Achakulwisut, Published on 11/05/2021

» The Constitutional Court's ruling has cleared the way for Deputy Agriculture and Cooperatives Minister Thamanat Prompow but cast enormous doubts over his boss Prime Minister Gen Prayut Chan-o-cha.


Prayut needs no praise given vaccine setback

News, Atiya Achakulwisut, Published on 20/04/2021

» There is no way to explain the deep devotion the public have shown for Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha despite his repeated failings, except perhaps Stockholm syndrome.


Powers-that-be see no hypocrisy in their actions

News, Atiya Achakulwisut, Published on 23/03/2021

» Is it a case of split personality or mass delusion?


The 'first shot' drama shows up a sickly govt

Oped, Atiya Achakulwisut, Published on 02/03/2021

» What was the fuss all about regarding who would take the first Covid-19 shot?


Application of logic needed in Covid battle

News, Atiya Achakulwisut, Published on 12/01/2021

» It's not easy being a national Covid-19 taskforce in a country ruled by an ultra-conservative government driven by cumbersome bureaucracy and a daily dose of hypocrisy.


Why the war on uniforms scares 'phuyai' witless

News, Atiya Achakulwisut, Published on 08/12/2020

» Why has the campaign against school uniforms, which has struck a chord only among some students, so irked the phuyai or adults in Thai society?


The architects of this ruinous mess must go

Oped, Atiya Achakulwisut, Published on 03/11/2020

» Is it time to accept that we are witnessing an unbridgeable divide, a fissure so wide and deep no force no matter how mighty can narrow it let alone the mere band-aid solution of a reconciliation committee?



Clock ticking for PM to avoid disgrace

News, Atiya Achakulwisut, Published on 20/10/2020

» As the tiny specks of light from the protesters' mobile phones at the student-led rallies grow into an ever-widening galaxy of discontent by the day, the lighting along the road ahead for Prime Minister Gen Prayut Chan-o-cha only seems to get darker.


Twitter exposes army's feeble IO strategies

News, Atiya Achakulwisut, Published on 13/10/2020

» Has word reached the Digital Economy and Society Ministry that the earth is not flat? That the "world" is a big round planet of which our country is a tiny little part, physically and figuratively?