Search Result for “long”

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Charity and collectables

Life, Suwitcha Chaiyong, Published on 17/06/2024

» As a regular blood donor, Siriporn Plangchatuk, country general manager of Pop Mart Thailand, learned from the National Blood Center, Thai Red Cross Society that during the Covid-19 pandemic, the number of blood donors dropped from 24% to just 11%. This shortage forced many patients to postpone surgeries and/or medical treatments, which affected their life.



Faces of courage

Life, Arusa Pisuthipan, Published on 20/05/2024

» Si Leeya knew he had fallen prey to leprosy at the age of 15. Overwhelmed by fear of social stigma, he decided to run away from home.



Comedy without borders

Life, Tatat Bunnag, Published on 15/05/2024

» Comedic maestro Vir Das will be in Bangkok as part of his Mind Fool Tour on Sunday at KBank Siam Pic-Ganesha. The evening promises to be full of laughter, wit and profound insights.



2023 ROUNDUP A vintage year for Thai cinema?

Life, Kong Rithdee, Published on 25/12/2023

» There were cheers of jubilation and gasps of disbelief as Thai cinema found itself awash with excitement in 2023. This has been the most successful year for mainstream Thai movies in a decade, a box-office triumph far exceeding all expectations. To many, the 2023 coup de theatre calls for celebration. "We are back!" cried optimistic pundits. But also: "Really? Is it just a one-time cinema party and can we keep the ball rolling?"



The sour side of Thai cuisine

Life, Vanniya Sriangura, Published on 08/12/2023

» Sourness is one of the tastes that contributes to the well-rounded characteristics of Thai cuisine, a palatable subtlety that comprises sour, sweet, nutty, salty, spicy, bitter, tart and mild tastes.



Lift up your voice

Life, John Clewley, Published on 10/10/2023

» South Africa has a long tradition of harmony singing, stretching back to Soloman Linda's famous 1933 song Mbube, which created a genre of its own to isicathamiya folk singing that led to one of the country's most potent popular genres, mbaqanga and on to gospel choirs.



For Starters

Life, Vanniya Sriangura, Published on 21/07/2023

» Amidst the boom of Spanish gastronomy in Bangkok, Alegria, an upscale tapas bar-cum-restaurant, opened its doors at the K Village shopping mall.



Heartthrob Dean Lewis to perform in Bangkok

Life, Published on 28/06/2023

» Australian singer-songwriter Dean Lewis is ready to render music that will connect to the ears and hearts of his Thai fans during "Dean Lewis The Future Is Bright Tour Bangkok 2023" at Lido Connect Hall 3, Rama I Road, starting at 8pm.



Travel notes

Life, John Clewley, Published on 23/05/2023

» Cambodia, like many Southeast Asian countries, enjoyed a golden era of popular music during the 1950s and 1960s, when Phnom Penh, known as the "Pearl of the Orient" became an important cultural centre, a breading ground for the meeting of Western rock and pop and Cambodian music. Author Dee Peyok in her fascinating new book Away From Beloved Lover: A Musical Journey Through Cambodia (Granta, UK, 2023) notes that "the music of East and West merged across Southeast Asia to the most fascinating mélange of instruments, attitudes and expressionism".



Struggling to survive

Life, Thana Boonlert, Published on 23/05/2023

» You are what you eat, but some do not have the privilege to choose. Nai, who is skinny and short for his age, lacks more than just a proper diet. He has been abandoned by his mother, and his father is serving a jail term. As a result, his uncle has kindly taken him into his own family. But like others, he is living from hand-to-mouth, so providing his nephew with a balanced diet from the five food groups is difficult. Due to a lack of variety in their diet, slum children, though not starving, are suffering from malnutrition.