Search Result for “central bank”

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Argentina must break its vicious political cycle

Oped, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 15/11/2023

» Bertolt Brecht lived in Germany, not in Argentina, and he has been dead longer than he was alive, but his famous question applies to the Argentine election next Sunday: "Would it not be simpler if the government dissolved the people and elected another?"


Afghanistan faces famine, it can't be ignored

Oped, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 18/02/2022

» Because the Taliban have been designated as "terrorists", it is possible for the United States not only to embargo American aid and trade to Afghanistan, but also to block or at least seriously hinder efforts by other countries to send humanitarian aid. As a result, more than half the country's people -- 23 million at last count -- are suddenly near starvation.


Winter is on the way in Afghanistan

Oped, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 10/11/2021

» The first snow of the winter will reach Kabul any day now, and the death rate will start to climb: mostly children, at first, but it will not really be the cold that kills them. The cold will only finish the work that malnutrition began months or years ago -- but the other cause of their deaths will be a different kind of freeze.


Lebanon was cursed even before the blast

Oped, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 13/08/2020

» Beirut has been living with car bombs and air raids on a sporadic but continuing basis for so long that it would probably make sense to rebuild this time with shatterproof glass. The torrent of broken glass falling from a thousand shattered buildings probably accounted for half the 158 dead found so far in Beirut and certainly for most of the 6,000 wounded.