Search Result for “universities”

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Charting China's decline, at a slow pace

News, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 11/12/2023

» For several years now, I have had a file on my computer named "China -- has the moment arrived?" But I think I missed the moment -- or rather I forgot that these things aren't a moment, they're a process.



France's latest crude, culinary counter-offensive

Oped, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 08/09/2023

» The French government has just published a decree banning the use of terms like "steak", "spare ribs" and "ham" on plant-based foods. Sausages and "poultry nuggets" will escape the ban so long as the plant protein content is less than 6%.


Greater urgency needed for our fading glaciers

Oped, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 05/10/2022

» I'm writing this on a plane to Greenland -- well, actually, on a plane to Denmark, because there's no way to get to Greenland by a civilian airline without going through Copenhagen first -- and it has occurred to me (not for the first time) to wonder where everybody else is.


Killing Darya Dugina: Ukraine own-goal?

News, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 25/08/2022

» 'Iam a political observer of the International Eurasianist Movement and an expert in international relations. In this capacity, I appear on Russian, Pakistani, Turkish, Chinese and Indian television channels. The situation in Ukraine is really an example of a clash of civilisations; it can be seen as a clash between globalist and Eurasian civilisation."


How to stop sea level rise at its source

News, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 05/06/2022

» 'Ninety percent of ice flowing to the sea from the Antarctic ice sheet, and about half of that lost from Greenland, travels in narrow, fast ice streams measuring tens of kilometres or less across. Stemming the largest flows would allow the ice sheets to thicken, slowing or even reversing their contribution to sea-level rise."


South Korea's gender politics getting ugly

Oped, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 10/03/2022

» Gender is not the only issue in this week's election in South Korea, but it's the hot-button topic. It's not clear if there was ever a successful sexual revolution in the country, but the counter-revolution is definitely doing well. The 'F-word' (feminism) is being used a lot by both major parties, and not in a good way.


Prepare for a fossil fuel fire sale

Oped, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 26/11/2021

» An article with the innocuous title "Reframing Incentives for Climate Policy Action" slipped out in the scientific journal Nature Energy three weeks ago and got very little attention, presumably because of the hopeless title. But it's not innocuous at all. It's explosive.


Is this crisis really a turning point?

Oped, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 01/05/2020

» People who look for silver linings (aka optimists) think that Covid-19 might be the inflection point where we start getting serious about our relationship with the planet. There's no direct link between coronavirus and climate change, but if a tiny virus can bring our whole bustling civilisation to a halt, then how vulnerable will we be to a disordered environment driven by out-of-control global heating?



Malaysia gets second chance to prosper and thrive

News, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 16/05/2018

» Mahathir Mohamad was always a curious character. He was prime minister of Malaysia for 22 years, and although he did not enrich himself many of his cronies did very well from corrupt practices that he did little to curb.


China's Xi shaping up as Chairman Mao of 21st century

News, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 28/02/2018

» The Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) approved a proposal on Monday that the country's president no longer be limited to two five-year terms of office. The National People's Congress will rubber-stamp the change. And that will be the end of three decades of consensus-seeking collective leadership in the CCP. The god-king model is back.