Search Result for “thailand us”

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Those acronyms can be bit of a pain

Roger Crutchley, Published on 19/05/2024

» One of my pet peeves with newspapers around the globe has always been the proliferation of acronyms, especially in headlines. Apart from the fact that no one really has the faintest idea what they stand for there's something about them that's just plain ugly.



Some 2023 tales you may have missed

Roger Crutchley, Published on 31/12/2023

» It is customary at this time of the year for PostScript to look back at some of the major happenings of the last 12 months. But we will have a change this year because the news has been far too depressing. So instead we will examine some of the not-so-major happenings of 2023 that you might have missed amongst all the gloom and doom. They may not be particularly significant but are a lot more fun than the grim stuff we read every day.



How two little piggies saved their bacon

Roger Crutchley, Published on 19/11/2023

» Following last week's gripping yarn concerning the rescue of Fiona, the loneliest sheep in the world, it seems only fair to report on another tale featuring animals in distress. My thanks to reader Paul Drew for alerting me to the saga of two pigs, Butch and Sundance, who became known in England as the Tamworth Two, belonging to the breed of that name.



The remarkable lady from Nutbush

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 28/05/2023

» Tributes have poured in for Tina Turner who sadly passed away at the age of 83 this week in Switzerland. I would like to add a small, if inadequate thank you to this wonderful performer who brought such joy to millions. In addition to having a great talent she was also a lovely lady and her Buddhist faith played a strong role in her life. Tina had soul.



The Mekong's calling you, Sue Perkins

News, Vasana Chinvarakorn, Published on 08/04/2021

» When my award-winning investigative journalist friend Supara Janchitfah first suggested Sue Perkins' name during our conversation on the Mekong, I thought she was making a joke. Or perhaps being satirical. What could a British comedian hosting a baking contest show contribute to helping locals in Southeast Asia thousands of miles away?



Anti-coup crackdown takes fatal turn

News, Larry Jagan, Published on 01/03/2021

» Myanmar's security forces have unleashed a concerted crackdown on the country's peaceful protesters leaving 23 dead and thousands injured throughout the country in the last two days. In planned pre-emptive strikes, the police moved ruthlessly to disperse and arrest protestors preparing to join yesterday general strike. "They used teargas, stun grenades and fired live ammunition indiscriminately into the crowds," said Soe Soe, a young university student at a protest site told the Bangkok Post.



When the president said 'sock it to me'

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 04/08/2019

» My apologies for unwittingly being the purveyor of fake news in last week's column, mistakenly crediting Goldie Hawn with the "sock it to me" catchphrase from the Laugh-In show. It was actually the English actress Judy Carne who was the regular "sock it to me" girl, although Hawn did also come out with the expression on occasions.



The moon and the city noodle shop

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 21/07/2019

» Unless you have been in hibernation you will be aware that yesterday marked the 50th anniversary of the moon landing. Every newspaper and television network has been bombarding us with tales featuring small steps, giant leaps, eagles landing, lift-offs and splashdowns.



Future Forward Party -- whose future?

News, Published on 01/11/2018

» Branding itself as a choice for first-time voters, both the "red" and "yellow" middle-class Thais who are tired of the military regime and colour-coded conflicts, the newly formed Future Forward Party is by far one of the most prominent parties in Thai politics.



Thailand's black site: Who is accountable?

News, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 15/05/2018

» Suddenly Thailand, a name synonymous with coups and democratic struggles, has been mentioned repeatedly by US lawmakers and TV personalities over the last few weeks.