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Politicising novel solutions to climate change

News, Bjorn Lomborg, Published on 13/05/2024

» Climate studies are increasingly becoming politicised. Harvard University recently shut down a key geoengineering research project because of intense backlash, despite the college's aspiration to become "a global beacon for climate change."


From Fleet Street to the Big Chilli

Roger Crutchley, Published on 05/05/2024

» It came as a shock to learn that long-time friend and colleague Colin Hastings died on Monday in Bang Saray when he suffered heart failure and the car he was driving collided with a wall. He was 73. Here are a few personal memories of Colin, best known as publisher of Big Chilli magazine.



Hair of the dog

Oped, Postbag, Published on 02/05/2024

» Re: "BoT needs to communicate," and "Govt wallet plan needs 'monitors' ", (BP, April 29).


Must media democratisation be bad for us?

News, Published on 29/04/2024

» Sometimes, the fulfilment of a promise feels like punishment. When the radio was invented more than 100 years ago, the German playwright Bertolt Brecht observed that its full potential could be explored only after it had become a communication tool, rather than merely a distribution channel. After all, there is a big difference between the few being able to speak to the many, and everyone being able to speak with everyone else.



Spending plans?

Oped, Postbag, Published on 27/04/2024

» Re: "Prawit declares B87m in assets", (BP, April 25).


Understanding 'Animal Farm' in Zimbabwe

Oped, Published on 27/04/2024

» I began to notice Animal Farm references start to proliferate in Zimbabwe in 2008.



Are all of us ready for AI creative destruction?

Oped, Published on 24/04/2024

» The ancient Chinese concept of yin and yang attests to humans' tendency to see patterns of interlocked opposites in the world around us, a predilection that has lent itself to various theories of natural cycles in social and economic phenomena. Just as the great medieval Arab philosopher Ibn Khaldun saw the path of an empire's eventual collapse imprinted in its ascent, the twentieth-century economist Nikolai Kondratiev postulated that the modern global economy moves in "long wave" super-cycles.



Tales of Nessie won't stop resurfacing

Roger Crutchley, Published on 21/04/2024

» Today happens to be the 90th anniversary of the famous photograph claiming to be that of the "Loch Ness Monster". It was on April 21, 1934, that the Daily Mail carried the iconic front page pix of what became known as the "surgeon's photograph" because it was taken by London doctor Robert Kenneth Wilson.


Iran, Israel is a panto crisis, not a real war

News, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 17/04/2024

» Ayatollah Khamenei, Iran's "Supreme Leader", is embarrassed and humiliated by the complete failure of his drone and missile attack on Israel, but does US President Joe Biden have the empathy to feel sorry for his old adversary in his time of trouble?


In Russia, the really dangerous ones are sane

News, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 08/04/2024

» There are plenty of crazies in Russian politics who make bizarre claims about their country's victim status ("the evil West made us do it") and issue blood-curdling but implausible threats about using nuclear weapons on their enemies. But the really dangerous ones are quite sane.