
Showing 281 - 283 of 283


Take a walk on the right side

Life, Anchalee Kongrut, Published on 10/02/2012

» Everyone who can drive might take this rule to heart. You have to take the left lane when you slow down and use the right lane when you want to speed up. You do the same when you drive in certain countries such as Britain and do the opposite when you drive in the US. That is the rule, with a penalty if you break traffic law. You are risking your own _ and others' _ safety, having your driving licence confiscated, a fine or even facing criminal charges if you and your vehicle are involved in an accident.


Finding faith in few words

Life, Anchalee Kongrut, Published on 14/02/2012

» If God is great and benevolent, why does s/he cause pain and calamity to Earth in the form of natural disaster? Those who cannot find answers turn to the probable empirical evidence called science that to some certain extent demystifies natural phenomena.


Modern but not developed

Life, Anchalee Kongrut, Published on 17/06/2011

» Is it a sign of age? Nothing seems to surprise me much these days. Indeed, the only thing able to surprise me is the fact that some things never change despite how much the world has changed.