
Showing 1 - 10 of 43


Open Sesame Street: why public TV matters

Life, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 17/10/2012

» As I was listening to the presidential debate back on Oct3, I knew Mitt Romney was going to have it bad when he pledged to cut federal funding for public broadcasting. Oh yes, fans of the cuddly creatures from Sesame Street and other shows on PBS, such as documentaries, are sure to start their hate parade. In fact, there is actually going to be one on Nov 3, called the Million Muppet March, when protesters will gather at the National Mall in Washington, DC, to defend PBS and Sesame Street.


The curse of cameras

Life, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 29/11/2012

» Picture the scene: a group of eight young women have met up on Friday for a get-together. They're a chummy group and always try to include dinner with each other in their hectic, humble first-job schedules. It's going to be a great evening of catching up on each other's lives amid excellent atmosphere and good food. But as pressing as catching up is, something is more urgent: the screaming void in their stomachs.


The best lessons are in a class of their own

Life, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 10/01/2013

» With the audacious daydream that I might be able to change the world through one kid at a time, I tutor during the weekends. I honestly really fear for the future of (Thai) mankind, so I drag myself out of bed every Sunday morning and try to give my students what their clearly lacking schools fail to.


Breaking the nation's moral bankruptcy

Life, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 26/02/2013

» Not everyone is cut out to become a fascinating, world-changing leader who gets interviewed by The New York Times, but that doesn't mean they don't bring anything to the table. I know I am just another person, but I try to be more than a lump who changes oxygen into carbon dioxide. With that said, I want to offer the reader something of value, rather than taking the easy way out and ranting about getting bitten by a dog the other day.


Cracking over the papers

Life, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 02/04/2013

» I would be strutting down Bangkok's crappy pavements in posh footwear and sipping expensive tea every day by now had I said yes to some things a few months ago. Namely, writing CVs, statements of purpose, essays and dissertations for graduate students.


Time to ditch those digital delusions

Life, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 03/05/2013

» My relationship with books is what you might call unhealthily zealous. After all, the place in which I spend hours at the mall is the bookstore. My favourite designer (Olympia Le Tan) makes clutches that look like books. My childhood fixation revolved around strategically hiding books when I was over my library borrowing limit, alongside incessantly rearranging my bookshelf, and ultimately, I flatly refuse to date guys who don't read. Reading seems to cover most aspects of my life and has, by far, been a life-long love affair that has yet to wither.


Beauty in HD shows the beastly within

Life, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 12/06/2013

» The lure of a full-HD film can be irresistible for a young adult in need of amusement, especially one home alone with an abundance of time on her hands. A friend has lent me a Blu-ray player this past weekend and having already watched every single movie (in its full, astounding, immaculately crystal-clear glory), there is nothing left for me, except for the contents in the Disney folder on the hard drive.


Keep calm, it's just a royal being

Life, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 19/07/2013

» Writing this from London, I look around and reflect: In this land of the civilised and cultured, members of the royal family are referred to by mere first names by the public. Kate this, Kate that. William this, William that. I think her dress is terribly meh; how could he possibly consider polo matches the weekend his wife is supposed to give birth - these comments, made out in the open, could go on forever.


If you change nothing, then nothing will change

Life, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 22/08/2013

» Why do bus drivers in Bangkok drive like F1 racers on ya ba? Because that's the way things are. Why do the trains we use still look no different from when my late grandfather was a young man? Because that's the way things are. Why are motorcycle-taxi drivers completely okay with speeding through a red light? Well boo-hoo-hoo and too bad. Because that's just the way things are.


Are we losing our last saving grace?

Life, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 01/10/2013

» As Thailand creates itself a new low in practically every segment of society (whether it be education or economy), I can no longer rest assured that the saving grace of our nation _ the service-mindedness and tourism industry related to five-star hotels _ will continue to be our pride, and something Thais can change the subject to whenever the conversation heads towards the PM's mispronounced word-of-the-day. My misadventure in a (supposedly) immaculate five-star hotel that most recently mushroomed onto Ratchadamri's landscape took place last Friday _ an example of how we need to look at ourselves long and hard if we still want to make more money from serving people, whether locals or tourists.