Showing 1-10 of 25 results


    How terrorism will lead to IS downfall

    News, Noah Feldman, Published on 27/07/2015

    » Turkey's airstrikes against Islamic State (IS) and its decision to allow US warplanes to operate from its air bases are in direct response to terrorist attacks in the Turkish town of Suruc earlier in the week. The cause-and-effect relationship highlights what's becoming a central strategic dilemma for Islamic State.


    'Happy Birthday' to all, except for some lawyers

    News, Noah Feldman, Published on 30/09/2015

    » Happy Birthday has been freed from its copyright shackles: rejoice! But don't rejoice too much. The federal district court in California that invalidated Warner/Chappell Music's claim to own the lyrics didn't rely on the logic you might imagine, namely that the words are as much a part of the public domain as, well, the phrase Happy Birthday.


    Misperceptions fuel Israel violence

    News, Noah Feldman, Published on 20/10/2015

    » One of the most striking features of the terrible cycle of violence in Israel right now is a recurring disagreement about the facts. From the Israeli perspective, Palestinians are randomly stabbing Israelis, after which Israeli police or bystanders shoot the assailants to prevent further violence. From the Palestinian perspective, the shootings by Israelis are either unprovoked or disproportionate to the threats and therefore amount to extrajudicial killings.


    Yuan move is good for political stability

    News, Noah Feldman, Published on 08/12/2015

    » The International Monetary Fund's (IMF) decision to designate the Chinese renminbi, commonly known as the yuan, as a global reserve currency will, over time, encourage the country's leadership to make the currency more tradeable. But the political implications of global reserve status may be more significant than the economic ones.


    Why humans fight, both now and 10,000 years ago

    News, Noah Feldman, Published on 26/01/2016

    » Is there a fundamental difference between war fought for reasons of belief and war fought out of self-interest? Is one more primitive than the other, or morally superior?


    The protests in Tunisia are different this time around

    News, Noah Feldman, Published on 02/02/2016

    » Events in Tunisia look, on the surface, like a replay of 2011. A frustrated, unemployed man killed himself on Jan 17 in an act of protest that was intended to remind everyone of the self-immolation of a fruit seller that set off the Arab Spring. Protests then spread from city to city. They focused on rampant unemployment, which was one of the concerns of the protesters last time. Eventually, the government had to call a curfew to make the protests die down, which they eventually did.


    Sex offenders shouldn't have a right to use Facebook

    News, Noah Feldman, Published on 14/05/2016

    » North Carolina bans registered sex offenders from Facebook. Unsurprisingly, a sex offender wants the Supreme Court to strike down the law. Perhaps more surprisingly, he has support from 16 notable professors of constitutional law -- from left, right and centre.


    Constitutional crisis a risk in the UK

    News, Noah Feldman, Published on 30/06/2016

    » The phrase "constitutional crisis" looms large over the aftermath of Britain's vote to leave the EU. The possibility of such a crisis has been invoked in connection with what would happen if the Scottish parliament refuses to approve Britain's withdrawal; what might happen if Britain's main parliament should ignore the results of the Brexit referendum; and the possible consequences of taking seriously the popular petition calling for a second vote on the basis of a new "rule" requiring a 60% approval and 75% turnout on EU-related matters.


    The presidency can bend to fit Trump's personality

    News, Noah Feldman, Published on 29/11/2016

    » Donald Trump is inheriting a more powerful presidency than any of his predecessors. And if history is any guide, he will seek to expand the power of the office. But how will he do it? One clue lies in noticing how the personalities of the last two presidents were reflected in their techniques of expansion. Barack Obama's administration took a very different route to its expansion of executive authority than did George W Bush's -- and Mr Trump's will probably be different still.


    Detention of Muslims is a horror we cannot forget

    News, Noah Feldman, Published on 20/01/2017

    » Innocent men detained for months or years after the Sept 11 attacks on suspicion of being Muslim will get their day in the US Supreme Court on Wednesday. The odds don't look good. The court will probably dismiss their constitutional suit against the government officials who implemented the policies that arrested immigrants who had overstayed their visas and held them in abusive conditions until after they had been affirmatively proved innocent, and sometimes beyond.

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