
Showing 43,171 - 43,180 of 71,520



Sugary drinks key cause of ailments

News, Prangthong Jitcharoenkul, Published on 26/07/2016

» Thai people's addiction to beverages with a high sugar content remains a prime cause of serious health problems, despite a recent health survey showing eating behaviour has improved, Deputy Prime Minister Narong Pipatanasai says.



NLA stands firm on using teak for House

News, Aekarach Sattaburuth, Published on 26/07/2016

» The National Legislative Assembly (NLA) is standing firm in its plan to use thousands of teak wood logs in the construction of the new parliament building.



EU wants reduction in trawler numbers

News, Apinya Wipatayotin, Published on 26/07/2016

» Despite expressing satisfaction with new laws to tackle illegal fishing, the European Union (EU) believes there are too many Thai fishing vessels which will deplete fish stocks if left unchecked.


Councillors to put brakes on budget

News, Post Reporters, Published on 26/07/2016

» City councillors are likely to put the brakes on some projects which require tied-over funds in the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration's 76-billion-baht budget plan which has now passed its first reading, according to a source at City Hall.



THAI hopes to resume flights to US

News, Amornrat Mahitthirook, Published on 26/07/2016

» Thai Airways International Plc (THAI) aims to resume flights to the United States, though they would be routed through either Seattle or San Francisco instead of Los Angeles, which was the previous destination.


Vehicle ban causes Chinese visitor slump

News, Cheewin Sattha, Published on 26/07/2016

» The authorities' ban on foreign-registered vehicles travelling between provinces has resulted in a plunge in Chinese tourist arrivals to Chiang Mai, denting tourism revenue, according to the provincial tourism council.


EC assures ballot safeguards

News, Ariane Kupferman-Sutthavong, Published on 26/07/2016

» Risks of vote tampering during the Aug 7 referendum are minimal, the Election Commission claims, as it keeps freshly-printed polling cards under close watch ahead of the big day.


'Gradualist' reform slowed growth

News, Mihir Sharma, Published on 26/07/2016

» On July 26, 1991, Manmohan Singh -- then Finance Minister, and later prime minister for 10 years -- rose in parliament to deliver an address that would transform India. That speech, outlining the first budget of a just-elected government under Prime Minister PV Narasimha Rao, launched India's journey of economic reform, dismantling many decades-old socialist-style controls on the private sector.



Nice attacker 'wasn't living in real world'

News, New York Times, Published on 26/07/2016

» His own parents were so frightened by his violence that they kicked him out when he was 16. Desperate, by the time he was 19, they dragged him to a psychiatrist, who prescribed an anti-psychotic drug, a tranquilliser and an antidepressant.



Russia toughening on hackers' extradition

News, Alan Dawson, Published on 26/07/2016

» Russia has served notice to Thailand and the United States to expect another all-out diplomatic and legal fight over the expected attempt to extradite a man arrested in Pattaya for alleged ties to a billion-baht hacking ring.