
Showing 241 - 250 of 261


A dirty mouth comes with a price tag

Life, Patcharawalai Sanyanusin, Published on 25/04/2014

» Everyone has a mouth to speak with but not everyone knows how to use it properly. In many cases, indecent remarks can trigger hard feelings beyond repair.


Sense and singledom

Life, Patcharawalai Sanyanusin, Published on 07/02/2014

» Many of my acquaintances are surprised when they find out I'm still single. Considering my age, I'm not sure if I should be proud that I have maintained this glorious status this far.


Baht doesn't mean blessed

Life, Patcharawalai Sanyanusin, Published on 14/03/2014

» I’ve never won the lottery in my life. How could I have? I’ve never bought a ticket.


Making the holiday season last all year

Life, Patcharawalai Sanyanusin, Published on 20/12/2013

» The season of joy and goodwill is just around the corner, and we can feel the merry spirit in the air.


The laws of nature

Life, Patcharawalai Sanyanusin, Published on 13/11/2013

» The passing of His Holiness Somdet Phra Nyanasamvara, the Supreme Patriarch, on Oct 24 is a great loss for all Thai Buddhists.



Crimes committed in the name of religion

Life, Patcharawalai Sanyanusin, Published on 04/09/2013

» I've always been proud of my religion. Buddhism has long been praised as a religion of peace and its followers are reputed to possess a highly tolerant attitude towards people of different faiths. That's why there are hardly any reports of inter-religious conflicts in history involving Buddhists.


Bending the rules to please the ancestors

Life, Patcharawalai Sanyanusin, Published on 10/10/2013

» I love the vegetarian festival. It's the only occasion of the year when I can easily find vegetarian meals and take pleasure in them without having to worry that I might unknowingly be chewing some kind of meat.



Abusing my religion

Life, Patcharawalai Sanyanusin, Published on 26/07/2013

» The monastic community in Thailand has been plagued by so much bad news during the past few months. As we know, most of it relates to the improper behaviour of some members of the clergy.


Friend's coming out provokes attitude change

Life, Patcharawalai Sanyanusin, Published on 14/05/2013

» Back when I was a child, I had some issues with my gender. I have a twin brother, you see, and I always wanted to be a boy just like him.


Shuffling off this mortal coil

Life, Patcharawalai Sanyanusin, Published on 21/06/2013

» 'What would you do if you knew that you're going to die soon?" This question might draw indignant looks from some people who believe that talking about death is a bad omen. But for many, such an uncomfortable subject may provide some inspiration.