
Showing 31 - 40 of 143



India's fintech revolution

Asia focus, Tanyatorn Tongwaranan, Published on 05/11/2018

» The financial sector in India has been transformed as the national digital infrastructure evolves, leading to the rapid rise of financial technology (fintech) businesses.



Bump in the digital road

Asia focus, Tanyatorn Tongwaranan, Published on 05/11/2018

» India has made great strides toward creating a digital economy, but the national ID system that underlies this transformation turns out to have its limits after all. And that will have consequences for the booming fintech industry.


Time to talk about mental health

Asia focus, Tanyatorn Tongwaranan, Published on 12/11/2018

» 'A smile is worth a thousand words," the old saying goes. This simple but powerful act can light up a room and create bonds with people without the need to converse.



Leadership 4.0

Asia focus, Tanyatorn Tongwaranan, Published on 12/11/2018

» The unprecedented advance of technology has been taking industries by storm in recent years. From artificial intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things, robotics, to quantum computing, autonomous vehicles and 3D printing, technologies have redefined and blurred the lines of traditional business practices.



Relationship king

Asia focus, Tanyatorn Tongwaranan, Published on 26/11/2018

» Perhaps dreaming is in the blood of the Chaudhary family. They are never content with the status quo, and always ready to apply grit and ambition to do whatever it takes to fulfill their dreams.


Clearer skies ahead?

Asia focus, Tanyatorn Tongwaranan, Published on 08/10/2018

» From a volatile investment climate to a tarnished international reputation and currency depreciation, there has never been a more challenging time for businesses in Myanmar.


Ending the war against women

Asia focus, Tanyatorn Tongwaranan, Published on 15/10/2018

» Two exceptionally brave individuals, Nadia Murad and Denis Mukwege, have received this year's Nobel Peace Prize for their efforts to end rape as a weapon of war. Their courage and persistence deserve to be applauded.



Making the most of data: the Seagate challenge

Asia focus, Tanyatorn Tongwaranan, Published on 15/10/2018

» Data has emerged as one of the world's most valuable commodities -- "the new oil", as pundits have put it. But the deluge of information is of no value unless it can be properly managed and applied.



The future of rice production

Asia focus, Tanyatorn Tongwaranan, Published on 29/10/2018

» Rice, one of the world's most important staple foods, is now facing a challenging time with increasing competition for dwindling resources such as land and water, unpredictable climate, farm labour shortages and lack of technical expertise.



Sowing innovation

Asia focus, Tanyatorn Tongwaranan, Published on 29/10/2018

» In a village called Chari, located in the eastern state of Jharkhand in India, Prativa Devi got married at the age of 13 to a man whose family earned a living mainly by farming.