
Showing 11 - 20 of 77



Seoul-less Korea

Life, Duangphat Sitthipat, Published on 24/12/2015

» Nobody doubts the fascinating success of South Korea's entertainment industry. In fact, if there is a catalyst for the country's tourism industry to be at the forefront of Asia's travel scene today, it is more or less the government's smart efforts to exploit K-Pop and K-Drama by exporting them across the region and then turning the country into a dreamy destination for those swept up by the ensuing epidemic known as hallyu, or Korean Wave.



Majestically poised and lit up

Life, Duangphat Sitthipat, Published on 28/12/2015

» When the 70s British rock band The Soft Boys sang I Want To Be An Anglepoise Lamp, they had a point. Why wouldn't you want to be one of these, considering the supreme privilege that is associated with this the iconic British brand, famous for desk lamps engineered with a pivoted arm and counterbalanced springs.


No concept? No community mall!

Life, Duangphat Sitthipat, Published on 30/12/2015

» While the definition of a "community mall", according to The International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC), is a shopping centre that offers convenience-oriented merchandise and usually comes with a specific anchor, size and design format, what the term is known for in the Thai context is slightly different. Here, we have nationally come to terms with using the term "community mall" to fondly describe any open-air, gentrified shopping place that disproportionately houses a bunch of mundane eateries that never really go beyond shabu-shabu restaurants or wine bars. 



Biking for the joy in life

Life, Duangphat Sitthipat, Published on 18/01/2016

» Most people in their right minds would agree that cancer is the last thing they want to have in their lives. Onusa Loetsuwanphaisan thought likewise before she was diagnosed with the demoralising illness five years ago. Now, however, she says something that probably makes her sound slightly cuckoo: she is thankful that she had cancer.



Stories from dad

Life, Duangphat Sitthipat, Published on 04/12/2015

» Handbooks on parenting are mostly penned by mothers based on their first-hand experiences of giving birth, nursing and raising their children. But there is also a sizeable number of fathers who write parenting books too. To mark Father's Day tomorrow, Life speaks with three fathers who have chosen to convey their fatherly know-how through the written word.



Discovering freedom

Life, Duangphat Sitthipat, Published on 08/12/2015

» 'I am most grateful for two things," said Park Yeon-mi at the recent One Young World event in Bangkok. "That I was born in North Korea and that I escaped from North Korea. These events have made me who I am today."


No morals in excessive puritanism

Life, Duangphat Sitthipat, Published on 17/12/2015

» On Monday, an unmarried celebrity couple who we normally wouldn't care much about officially opened up to the press after it had been brought to light that they are having a baby. Holding each other tight in front of a squad of tabloid reporters who looked nothing but happy to be there to get a piece of them, the couple confirmed that they are blessed and ready to do whatever it takes to become good parents. However, something was amiss. The couple also happened to be apologising for having the baby.



Sweet smell of success

Life, Duangphat Sitthipat, Published on 10/11/2015

» A decade ago, no one in the perfume industry knew about Christopher Chong. Chong, a lyric baritone with a master's degree in literature, didn't know much about perfume beyond the classic bottles either. But now, there is no aficionado of eau de parfum out there who doesn't know who Chong is.


Weapons of mass delusion

Life, Duangphat Sitthipat, Published on 17/11/2015

» Last week, there was a controversial Facebook post circulating about a tragedy that has been deliberately silenced. The post was dedicated to the campaigning relative of a female college student who died of abuse a few years ago whilst training at a military camp. It was merely written by a journalist, who had been conscripted, on his personal Facebook page. However, due to the struggle of the woman fighting for justice, coupled with the journalist's first-hand experience of unfair treatment in the army, the post racked up more than 100,000 Likes in a short period of time.



The gentle touch

Life, Duangphat Sitthipat, Published on 23/11/2015

» Behind the weather-beaten off-white high walls topped with electrical fences that discharge energy at an intensity of 3,500 volts, Dao* is serving a three-year jail term for embezzlement. Completely shut out from the world, her every movement is closely watched through extensive video surveillance. Freedom, for her, seems to no longer exist.