
Showing 11 - 16 of 16


Solving private sector corruption

News, Bandid Nijathaworn, Published on 11/09/2014

» It takes two to tango, and the same goes for corruption. Since bribery involves those who pay and those who get paid, this puts a spotlight on the private sector — seen as the supply side of corruption — and specifically on its role in combatting graft.


Corporates must boost accountability

News, Bandid Nijathaworn, Published on 29/01/2013

» As president of the Thai Institute of Directors (IOD), a question was posed to me: what would be the key governance issues for company boards in Thailand in 2013? This is not an easy question to answer, but after long and careful thought, my answer would include these three issues:


Resting on recovery laurels

News, Bandid Nijathaworn, Published on 24/07/2012

» The first six months of 2012 witnessed an uneasy period for Thailand as the economy attempted to regain traction from one of the country's worst floods - which struck in the second half of last year - while coping with the global downturns caused by the European sovereign debt crisis.


Capital flows pose new risks

News, Bandid Nijathaworn, Published on 14/08/2012

» Those who have worked at central banks for 15 years or more will have now witnessed two major financial crises that have put the role of these institutions in managing capital flows and financial stability under the spotlight.


The world must help Myanmar to grow

News, Bandid Nijathaworn, Published on 10/04/2012

» Last week was an exciting and historic time for Myanmar, a country that has been in international isolation for nearly a quarter of a decade. On April 1, the Myanmar government launched two important and far-reaching political and economic reforms: the holding of landmark by-elections, which has been described by foreign observers as free and fair, and the introduction of a managed float of its national currency, the kyat, which symbolically put an end to the old economic system and management based on heavy state intervention and control.



From financial crisis to resilience

News, Bandid Nijathaworn, Published on 24/01/2012

» The development of Thailand's financial sector has been a story of restructuring, adjustment and renewal, following the devastating effects of the Asian financial crisis of 1997.