
Showing 71 - 80 of 367



Designing Your Own Cooking Space

B Magazine, Suthon Sukphisit, Published on 25/03/2018

» The most important areas in any household are the kitchen and dining area. This is why they should be designed by the people using them as they know exactly what they need.



Bringing good health home

B Magazine, Suthon Sukphisit, Published on 01/04/2018

» In my column two weeks ago, I talked about the challenge of selecting the right vegetable oil. I mentioned that we should try to avoid purchasing fried foods from vendors as they are known to put the oil on high heat and reuse it, creating harmful chemical reactions. This is common knowledge, but people still can't help but rely on ready-to-eat meals. Although research has yet to verify vegetable oil as a cause for disease, it wouldn't hurt to be cautious about consuming it.



Marvellous Markets

B Magazine, Suthon Sukphisit, Published on 08/04/2018

» When it comes to travelling, everybody has his or her own specific purpose. Some might just want to stay trendy and go to popular places. Some travel to escape their hectic, fast-moving daily routine and probably to take a real break. Some travel just because they are curious about the unknown territory and maybe because they love challenges. Those who go on business trips usually don't have much time to explore.



Net closing in on seafood's future

B Magazine, Suthon Sukphisit, Published on 25/02/2018

» Just last month I visited Wonnapa beach in Bang Saen, Chonburi. We drove past a seller who was busy arranging her freshly caught pu ma (blue crab). Priced at 150 baht per kg, it was cheaper than what you would see elsewhere. But these crabs are tiny and apparently not worth all the cleaning, cracking open and picking to get at the small amount of meat. Furthermore, buying them means you are supporting the fishermen to catch immature animals.



One size does not fit all

B Magazine, Suthon Sukphisit, Published on 04/03/2018

» Twenty years ago, people would get excited when a western newspaper praised Thai food as a new sensation. Foreign tourists visiting Thailand were very much impressed by what they ate here. The number of Thai restaurants overseas sharply increased, signaling the newfound popularity of our cuisine.



All good in your neighbourhood

B Magazine, Suthon Sukphisit, Published on 04/02/2018

» Foods served at some particular restaurants may look nothing special. But once you've tasted them, you know you have to come back. Most such restaurants have never changed the way they cook. Their prices are highly affordable. And you can't beat the way they treat their customers. We sure love their down-to-earth and friendly manner.



Like the good old days

Suthon Sukphisit, Published on 11/02/2018

» In the past, it was an everyday practice to prepare food for your guests. The Thai people’s way of life was still very much tied to the fields. They travelled by boats.



A Noodle's Tale

B Magazine, Suthon Sukphisit, Published on 18/02/2018

» Noodle trends in Thailand come in waves; movements initiated by both sellers and customers. But the popularity of noodles won't go away any time soon. It's like reading a never-ending novel.



It's easy eating green

B Magazine, Suthon Sukphisit, Published on 31/12/2017

» The New Year's long weekend might turn Bangkok into a peaceful city for once. The capital city might just be a nice place to stick around, giving you the peace of mind to look ahead.



Starting off in the kitchen

B Magazine, Suthon Sukphisit, Published on 28/01/2018

» Starting a new family requires some planning. The couple should help each other out in many activities they may have never done before entering marriage.