
Showing 31 - 40 of 42



Muse, Arusa Pisuthipan, Published on 01/02/2014

» SplashData recently released its annual "Worst Passwords" list. It was the first time the word "password" lost its number one position, being overtaken by the number sequence 123456. In third place was 12345678 while qwerty and abc123 came in at fourth and fifth place.


Pimp Your Screen

Muse, Arusa Pisuthipan, Published on 15/02/2014

» Like it or not, some say the smartphone is our 33rd organ. And because they have become such an important part of our daily life, there must be a way to dress them up the way we want.



Muse, Arusa Pisuthipan, Published on 31/08/2013

» You don't like wearing glasses but want your photo to have a pair of glasses on? Well, the i-Glasses app can help with that.


Literary young ones

Muse, Arusa Pisuthipan, Published on 29/09/2012

» That children are reading less these days is a known fact. But what some adults might not be aware of when it comes to kids' reading, is that a number of children would be embarrassed if a friend sees them with a book.



Testing Bangkok's free wi-fi service

Life, Arusa Pisuthipan, Published on 17/10/2012

» The world has gone digital. The internet has become a life necessity in this age in which people feel the need to access the world wide web - always and everywhere.


Use technology wisely

Muse, Arusa Pisuthipan, Published on 27/10/2012

» The history of medicine is defined by advances born of bioscience. But never before has it been driven to such a degree by digital technology, said Katie Hafner, technology and society writer for The New York Times.



The Year of the Tablets

Muse, Arusa Pisuthipan, Published on 11/06/2011

» 2011 is the Year of the Tablets. It really is. After Apple's iPad and Samsung's Galaxy Tab, several other tablet computers have been launched with the hope to increase their market share.



What do all those acronyms mean?

Life, Arusa Pisuthipan, Published on 04/07/2011

» Remember the time when your cell phone was only used for making and answering calls and texting people? Mobile phones were not complicated, were they?


When commodities become a craze

Life, Arusa Pisuthipan, Published on 19/05/2011

» The recent launch of the second generation of iPads, one of the world's most popular tablet computers, has predictably turned into madness.


All eyes need shades

Muse, Arusa Pisuthipan, Published on 22/01/2011

» Choosing the right pair of sunglasses is important because being exposed to hours of bright sunlight, both in summer and winter, can damage the eyes.