
Showing 31 - 40 of 177


Music app worthy of note

Life, Wanda Sloan, Published on 24/01/2012

» Midi Sheet Music is not going to take the computing world by storm, but this excellent music utility does reveal something about the direction technology is headed.


Put a little light on the subject

Life, Wanda Sloan, Published on 14/02/2012

» There's a US keyboard being pitched mostly in TV adverts of a large-character device that glows in the dark, so when the sun goes down you can continue working and still see your keyboard.



Music programme with promise

Life, Wanda Sloan, Published on 14/02/2012

» Music Box is a new PC programme that seems so certain to go places that it is well worth having it now.



A few words about a lot of things

Life, Wanda Sloan, Published on 06/12/2011

» Busy, busy, busy. Isn't technology great? I don't know if I spend more time getting it, or save more time using it. Here is some stuff that intrigued me lately.


Are you busy tonight?

Life, Wanda Sloan, Published on 06/12/2011

» I don't think science has got around to precise measurements in Thailand, but the worldwide trend is that there is more e-dating than face-dating, and more of it on mobile apps than on dating websites.


The need to defrag

Life, Wanda Sloan, Published on 15/11/2011

» There are plenty of experts, real and imagined, who argue against defragging. They claim that hard drives these days are so fast, so dependable, so resilient that a minute spent defragging is a minute less you have to live life.


Aid to finding stuff

Life, Wanda Sloan, Published on 15/11/2011

» The great thing about computers is that they never forget, which is almost the direct opposite of humans. The great thing about humans is that they always know what they want, which is often very difficult to transmit to the computer.



Some help with PDFs

Life, Wanda Sloan, Published on 29/11/2011

» There always are new developments on the web, and for me the most welcome new big thing is what they are inevitably calling web apps.



Keeping track of photos, safely

Life, Wanda Sloan, Published on 20/12/2011

» The end-of-year holidays are all about giving, and I was thinking about giving myself some lovely new photo apps for the smartphone. But more on that later.


Deleting for good

Life, Wanda Sloan, Published on 13/12/2011

» Pretty well everyone knows by now that deleting a file on a PC is a misnomer, and the file stays right where it is. The operating system just makes the space available to put another file on top of it.