
Showing 21 - 30 of 89



I said, 'stop following me'

Life, Wanda Sloan, Published on 28/02/2012

» There is this company in central Bangkok, one of the biggest employers in the country, and all it does is to assign young men and women to follow thousands of citizens and make detailed notes about them.


Access blocked sites

Life, Wanda Sloan, Published on 28/02/2012

» I just can't think of any reason why a person might want to look at internet pages that have been blocked by authorities who know much more than the rest of us about what we should see.


OCR made more user friendly

Life, Wanda Sloan, Published on 20/03/2012

» OCR stands for optical character recognition, and means convert a picture of text into real, computer style text that you can edit, change and save. You can capture a page of a newspaper or a book or a magazine easily enough with a scanner, but all you have is a photo. If you want to search or copy the words on the page, you will have to use an OCR programme.



Shooting is such fun

Life, Wanda Sloan, Published on 10/04/2012

» I have been involved for a while with a few projects where screenshots are required for illustration. This is a standard these days in the technology field, whether for digital books or dead trees.


Put a little light on the subject

Life, Wanda Sloan, Published on 14/02/2012

» There's a US keyboard being pitched mostly in TV adverts of a large-character device that glows in the dark, so when the sun goes down you can continue working and still see your keyboard.



Music programme with promise

Life, Wanda Sloan, Published on 14/02/2012

» Music Box is a new PC programme that seems so certain to go places that it is well worth having it now.



Apps becoming a new tech revolution

Life, Wanda Sloan, Published on 24/01/2012

» The phrase "killer app" is from the old, long-gone 20th century, but it probably ought to be revived. The spreadsheet and the word processor is what got the world going on the technology revolution, but it is the compact software on a phone or tablet that is driving the tech age now.


Music app worthy of note

Life, Wanda Sloan, Published on 24/01/2012

» Midi Sheet Music is not going to take the computing world by storm, but this excellent music utility does reveal something about the direction technology is headed.


The need to defrag

Life, Wanda Sloan, Published on 15/11/2011

» There are plenty of experts, real and imagined, who argue against defragging. They claim that hard drives these days are so fast, so dependable, so resilient that a minute spent defragging is a minute less you have to live life.


Aid to finding stuff

Life, Wanda Sloan, Published on 15/11/2011

» The great thing about computers is that they never forget, which is almost the direct opposite of humans. The great thing about humans is that they always know what they want, which is often very difficult to transmit to the computer.