
Showing 41 - 50 of 61


Internet site of the Week

Gotfried. K, Published on 21/04/2010

» This week's Internet Site of the Week is not just one site, but three; together they add up to a disturbing trend on the Internet that you'll want to be aware of, if only because they are sure to become popular and generate a lot of talk.


Internet Site of the week

Database, Gotfried. K, Published on 28/04/2010

» It had to end and a victor had to emerge. We’re talking about the Browser War that raged across the computer landscape back in the early 1990s. When the Internet first came to prominence, it was very much because of the Netscape browser, which made “surfing the Web†a far less complicated affair than it had been previously.


Internet Site of theWeek

Gotfried. K, Published on 09/06/2010

» This week's Internet Site of the Week aims to save you a bit of heartache and hassle, especially if you're one of those folks who want to upgrade to new software products but are too lazy to actually do it.


Internet Site of the Week

Database, Gotfried. K, Published on 17/02/2010

» Here in the plush Database suite, we can tend to be a bit too serious. Reviewing and writing about all the latest technological developments can be, how shall we say, stressful. There are times when we need to have a bit of fun. So this week's Internet Site of the Week is devoted to having fun. It's a site called MyPlayCity and you can find it at


Ads, porn and one-way chat... Twitter test run soon grows tiresome

Database, Gotfried. K, Published on 24/02/2010

» I've recently spent a few weeks playing around with Twitter. No doubt you've heard about it and maybe you're wondering what it's all about. Maybe you already know what it's all about - in that case, I think you'll find my opinion of it is rather different.


Internetsite of theWeek

Gotfried. K, Published on 10/02/2010

» I'm not sure this week's Internet Site of the Week is even a good idea, and it's still in beta stage, but nonetheless one might find it amusing.



Twitter - paddling in a toilet bowl of vomit

Database, Gotfried. K, Published on 24/03/2010

» I should caution the reader at the outset that Twitter is, in the words of one of my dear online friends (read: complete stranger), "a toilet bowl of vomit". There are many ways to describe Twitter, but that sums it up quite nicely.


Internet site of the Week

Database, Gotfried. K, Published on 31/03/2010

» The last time we talked about a site where one could get free content, it was served a ''cease and desist'' order almost the next day ( and most of the content disappeared or was no longer available. At the risk of another such embarrassment, we would like to take you to another place where you can get free content while making the same point: get it while you can.


Internet site of the Week

Database, Gotfried. K, Published on 03/03/2010

» This week's Internet Site of the Week brings you another tool to get your information organised and easily retrievable:


With Facebook, get scene, seen and heard

Database, Gotfried. K, Published on 10/03/2010

» Lots of people still have MySpace pages. But what the heck are they? Well, they are the vanguard of the "social media" movement. A MySpace page is basically a page where you put out all sorts of personal information about yourself and then you invite your friends to come have a look, and, if they like what they see, to do the same. You can post photos, videos, embedded YouTube videos, and so on.