
Showing 11 - 20 of 61


Internet Site of theWeek

Database, Gotfried. K, Published on 03/11/2010

» The dark side of social networking will soon be upon us. One such example is (''Truth in Reputation''), a site that allows users to post anonymous reviews of their bosses and fellow workers.


Escape the tyranny of file formats

Database, Gotfried. K, Published on 06/10/2010

» Today I would like to share with you one of most important things about software that you will ever learn or need to know, and I can say that with some confidence, based on 20 years of using a personal computer.



Database, Gotfried. K, Published on 13/10/2010

» Mind your manners! And if you don't know how, you'll want to pay a visit to The Emily Post Institute Etipedia at, an electronic database of social dos and don'ts, with additional rules about how to behave while on the Internet and composing email (necessary, if some of my correspondence is any indication _ it's extremely easy to come across as rude and abrupt in email since you're not there, in person, to see the reaction of the person reading your email. It can be difficult to tell if one is joking or serious, being ironic or purposefully unpleasant, with those visual cues from normal conversation).


Internet Site of theWeek

Database, Gotfried. K, Published on 29/09/2010

» Keeping track of the Internet is no easy task, but has found a niche for itself by doing just that. It's a fascinating site to visit to see what's popular, which websites are the most visited, who's in the top 10, even have a peek at the volume of your own traffic to your own website.


Internet Site of theWeek

Database, Gotfried. K, Published on 10/11/2010

» If you've spent a lot of time using computers, you've probably got lots of files on your computer that are pretty old _ and you may not have the original programs used to create them.


Internet Site of theWeek

Database, Gotfried. K, Published on 17/11/2010

» It has happened to all of us: you click on a ''send me an email'' link and your computer grinds to a halt while trying to start up an application like Microsoft Outlook or Outlook Express or some other external program that you never use. Annoying, isn't it?


Internet Site of theWeek

Database, Gotfried. K, Published on 15/09/2010

» What is a webtop and why would you want one? First of all, a webtop is an Internet page that is basically an all-in-one computer system, usually featuring an email client, a word processor, a calendar program, and so on. As to why you might want one, there could be any number of reasons: students in a classroom might find having a webtop a convenient way to communicate with teachers, keep up with scheduled events, or a place to store files. Rather than outfitting each computer in the classroom with all the necessary software for these tasks, the teacher can just have the students create a webtop, which they can then sign on to and do their work.



Half a century of frustration

Database, Gotfried. K, Published on 07/07/2010

» Computers are incredibly annoying, which is odd because operating systems got their start back in the 1950s. That's right: more than 50 years ago! More than 50 years of "development" and my personal computer (running a legal copy of Windows XP) still crashes. Still!


Internet Site of the Week

Database, Gotfried. K, Published on 28/07/2010

» There are a lot of sites on that help you touch up your photos _ crop them, resize them, remove red eye, improve lighting and so forth. Picnik, at, is one such site and has much to offer.


Spoilt for choice

Database, Gotfried. K, Published on 04/08/2010

» If you're sniffing around for the right office products to buy, you'll be happy to know that you've never had more choices, and that many of those choices are completely free.