
Showing 15,241 - 15,250 of 21,389



Worker pride

News, Published on 29/09/2014

» The excellent editorial concerning the dire woes of Thai vocational education (BP, Sept 26) omitted one vital component necessary for a successful solution. It did not include the crucial involvement of the industry itself.


Wage intellectual war against IS

News, Published on 30/09/2014

» The global financial crisis taught the world how profoundly interdependent our economies have become. In today's crisis of extremism, we must recognise we are just as interdependent for our security, as is clear in the current struggle to defeat the Islamic State (IS).



Vietnam eyes US weapons

News, Published on 30/09/2014

» A debate that deserves immediate and close attention in the region is nearing a conclusion in Washington. The United States is close to deciding to end its arms embargo on Vietnam. Hanoi has applied to buy P-3 Orion, unarmed surveillance aircraft. The obvious reason for such a purchase is to allow Vietnam to keep a closer watch on its coastline and, more to the point, activities by China in the South China Sea.


City needs urgent mass transportation expansion

News, Published on 30/09/2014

» The military government has promised to make much needed reforms to the country and return happiness to the people. One glaringly obvious area which they would do well to improve is Bangkok's public transportation sector.


The results are in

Life, Anchalee Kongrut, Published on 30/09/2014

» Which public poll have you read most recently? And if you actually buy those figures, what does that particular poll tell you about ourselves and our country?


Postbag: Comedy of errors

News, Published on 30/09/2014

» In the recent stage revival of Monty Python’s Flying Circus, a sketch loosely based around the Spanish Inquisition involves rather pathetic attempts to bludgeon an old lady into pleading guilty to unrevealed crimes. She is threatened with torture — namely, the rack.



Help farmers reap benefits

News, Published on 02/10/2014

» Thai rice exports are on course to hit the 11 million tonnes mark by the end of this year, and, for that matter, Thailand has reclaimed the title of being the world's No.1 rice exporter. This will be the biggest rice sale since 2004, when 10.4 million tonnes of rice were exported. It is also a major surprise for the rice industry. Earlier projections put exports for the whole year at just 8.5 million tonnes.



Nationalism loses out to Hello Kitty

News, Kong Rithdee, Published on 30/08/2014

» Two headlines caught my attention over the past week. First, Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha wishes to see more movies that promote Thai values and historical education. Second, Hello Kitty is not a cat.


Punish PAOs, not the public

News, Published on 30/08/2014

» It's unfortunate that the effectiveness of a local administration has inevitably been called into question following an allegation that some of its officials spent public money on extravagant personal benefits.


Postbag: Laws can't fix society

News, Published on 30/08/2014

» Re: "Business urges 20-year economy plan" (BP, Aug 24).