
Showing 15,181 - 15,190 of 21,384



Immigrants hold the key to our success

News, Sanitsuda Ekachai, Published on 26/11/2014

» Ongto, 11, speaks fluent Thai and Burmese. His classmate Thanapol speaks fluent Thai and Khmer. These boys and some 300,000 migrant children could be our most valuable assets, given our country's aim to boost its economic presence in the region. But our deep-rooted ethnic prejudices suggest this is not to be.



Energy policy needs a push

News, Published on 26/11/2014

» The Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (Egat) has repeated its single "policy" statement for the nation. It will build large coal-fired power plants, because Thailand needs to expand its energy production and there is no viable alternative. It is a troubling stance for Egat to take. The Authority is one of the more professional and respected institutions of the country. There are serious problems afoot when Egat stubbornly repeats old internal dogma, yet gets no pushback from important powers, especially the government.



Xayaburi dam risks killing the Mekong

News, Published on 26/11/2014

» The recent talkfest at the 25th Asean summit concluded with numerous lofty declarations. The Nay Pyi Taw Declaration on the Asean Community's Post-2015 Vision contains guidelines for the drafters of the 2016-2025 vision, one of which is to promote Asean as a "rules-based community bound by shared principles, values and norms".


Leveraging digital technology in the 21st century

News, Published on 26/11/2014

» EDUCATION. Noun. "The process of receiving or giving systematic instruction, especially at a school or university." 


Thais score low in financial literacy

News, Published on 26/11/2014

» The household debt problem that recently made headlines in several newspapers is certainly not new. 


The wheels on the bus go around Khon Kaen

Life, Karnjana Karnjanatawe, Published on 26/11/2014

» Last week, the mayor of Khon Kaen and a group of locals showed strong commitment to improving the city's public transportation system. They are no longer waiting for a budget from our centralised government.


At the risk of droning on about UAVs

Life, James Hein, Published on 26/11/2014

» A hot topic at the moment is UAVs, or unmanned aerial vehicles. Not the military drone kind but the one with four or six rotors carrying a camera and flying around the neighbourhood taking photos of video up to 4K resolution. The TV show South Park covered this issue in its own unique way and countries are struggling to cope with the legal ramifications of taking pictures over the backyard fence, through windows, above secluded pools and so on. Even innocent pictures like a real estate agent getting an aerial shot of the property can be an issue as one found out recently when part of the shot had someone sunbathing next door that was missed in the process before the billboard went up.


Protect our students

News, Published on 26/11/2014

» The people in power should have a clear and far-reaching vision.


Teach kids to give a stuff about animals

Life, Kanokporn Chanasongkram, Published on 27/11/2014

» My first stuffed toy, as far as I can remember, wasn’t a big teddy bear but a little donkey that my dad bought in London. Unfortunately, I lost the English donkey — which was perhaps made in China — at some point in time.


China takes over as new global leader

News, Jeffrey D Sachs, Published on 29/11/2014

» The biggest economic news of the year came almost without notice: China has overtaken the United States as the world's largest economy, according to the scorekeepers at the International Monetary Fund (IMF). And, while China's geopolitical status is rising rapidly, alongside its economic might, the US continues to squander its global leadership, owing to the unchecked greed of its political and economic elites and the self-made trap of perpetual war in the Middle East.